Think You Know What Constitutes Good Cause?
March 27, 2008
Many employers believe that since they make the first call as to whether cause exists, that is the final call. However, as demonstrated by the jury verdict in a recent Maryland trial, it is the jury, not the employer, that gets to make the final call as to whether cause exists. <i>Kinsbourne, et al. v. 180's LLC.</i>
DOL's New Proposed FMLA Regulations: They Help Employers, But Is It Enough?
March 27, 2008
Since the Department of Labor's regulations implementing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 were first issued in 1995, they have caused a degree of consternation for employers navigating some of their more confusing aspects, and grappling with employee abuse. In an effort to add clarity, the DOL published new proposed changes to the regulations on Feb. 11, 2008. The proposed regulations clarify some uncertainties, but many remain.
How to Prepare for a Live Presentation
March 27, 2008
Delivering a live presentation with impact demands a particular type of preparation, whether you are addressing a room of hundreds or a client's small executive team. This article provides advice on how to craft such presentations.
Bringing Lateral Attorneys on Board: A Blueprint for Success
March 27, 2008
The lateral movement of attorneys between firms requires a well-defined and well-executed management program in order to maximize the benefits of the move to both sides. This article sets forth the key elements, all of which must be addressed in order to maximize the investment a law firm makes in the lateral and in order to achieve career satisfaction and retention of lateral attorneys.
Movers & Shakers
March 26, 2008
News about lawyers and law firms in the franchising industry.
Question of Law on Bystander Recovery Sent to PA High Court
March 26, 2008
In the rare exercise of a mechanism that the federal courts may use to consult state courts about purely state questions of law, the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has asked the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to address the permissible scope of bystander recovery under Pennsylvania's product liability law for a little girl whose left foot was mangled by a lawn mower driven by her grandfather.
Communication Is Key to e-Discovery Success
March 25, 2008
The recent lawsuits filed by Sullivan & Cromwell and Electronic Evidence Discovery, Inc. against one another brought to the forefront some of the frustrations that law firms and the vendors to which they outsource are currently experiencing. So how do you get legal professionals at law firms, e-discovery and staffing vendors to function harmoniously in order to minimize problems?
Public Adjusters and the Unauthorized Practice of Law
February 29, 2008
Justifiably concerned about the inundation of public adjusters in Louisiana following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, the Louisiana legislature enacted 'The Louisiana Public Adjuster Act' ('Public Adjuster Act'), codified at Louisiana Revised Statutes '22:1210.91, et seq., by Acts 2006, No. 806, '1. The Public Adjuster Act was enacted to establish a regulatory framework for the field of public adjusting by setting standards for qualifications and licensing of public adjusters and establishing standards of conduct.