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20 Business Lessons from 20 Years to Apply Today
June 01, 2022
Lessons learned from years of listening, emulating, taking risks, and learning from failures and successes alike.
Brands In the Metaverse: What You Need to Know
June 01, 2022
While it is still unknown how the metaverse will take shape, lawyers advising brands should familiarize themselves with the opportunities it presents, the risks involved, and strategies to consider for enhancing and protecting a client's brand.
The Impact of Trust On Cooperation
June 01, 2022
a tendency to trust optimizes outcomes on average — but you have to think in individual transactions. Are lawyers too distrusting to make good decisions in those instances? This article explores the concept of trust, the impact of trust on cooperation, and whether lawyers have trust issues and what that means for them and for their clients.
Recommendations for Evolving Patent Eligibility of Hardware
June 01, 2022
Regardless of whether a patent practitioner's clients favor a stricter or more lenient eligibility regime, patent eligibility decisions continue to evolve. We need a line drawn for what practitioners expect to be clearer. Hardware inventions are facing patent eligibility challenges that would have seemed more likely in software inventions. Recent court decisions have shown that what once made a hardware invention eligible may no longer fly.
Fishing for Joint Patent Ownership Under 'BASF v. CSIRO'
June 01, 2022
A recent Federal Circuit opinion sheds light on the process for settling co-ownership disputes pursuant to an underlying agreement. Although the precedential opinion does not change the rules of contract interpretation, it suggests considerations when drafting ownership agreements.
Second Circuit Interprets 'Executed By the Author' In Copyright Act's §203 Grant Termination Provision
June 01, 2022
Composers of pre-1978 works often assigned both the initial and renewal copyright terms in their works when signing songwriter agreements with music publishers. But what happens when a grant of the copyright renewal term of a pre-1978 work has been made post-1977?
Components of Legal Work On NFTs
June 01, 2022
With a significant amount of NFT activity arising from the entertainment and sports industries comes an inevitable need for legal services. But taking advantage of this economic growth is no simple matter for entertainment, media and sports lawyers. It requires an understanding not just of NFT transactions, but also of data security, intellectual property, public policy, and a whole raft of regulatory and compliance issues.
A Primer on Landlord Exculpatory Provisions In Leases
June 01, 2022
Keystone Specialty Services Co. v. Ebaugh Practitioners should take note that depending on the jurisdiction, a well-drafted exculpatory clause may afford additional protections to a commercial landlord, even from its own negligent acts.
Trademark Oppositions and Coexistence Agreements
June 01, 2022
There are frequent battles over trademark rights in the entertainment industry. Trademark publication can be an anxious part of the federal application process, with fear of aggressive opposition and costly proceedings looming in the background. But many trademark oppositions, whether they are only threatened or actually filed, afford the applicant a discussion with an opposer that can ultimately be helpful in nonobvious ways.
The Connection Between Process Improvement, Project Management, and Pricing
June 01, 2022
Law firms must continuously review business and legal processes to operate and interact with less waste and costs and develop pricing models that address client needs while generating profits for the law firm. This is actually simple, but not easy to do.