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'Executed By the Author' In Copyright Act's §203 Grant Termination Provision Interpreted By Second Circuit
June 01, 2022
Composers of pre-1978 works often assigned both the initial and renewal copyright terms in their works when signing songwriter agreements with music publishers. But what happens when a grant of the copyright renewal term of a pre-1978 work has been made post-1977?
Fresh Filings
June 01, 2022
Notable court filings in entertainment law.
After Another Big Year, Law Firms Should Plan for Recession
June 01, 2022
Planning for the downturn in a clear, methodical way by investing the existing good fortune that most firms enjoy into strengthening your technical infrastructure, trimming expenses, and rethinking how administrative services are delivered to the attorneys.
Preferred Equity In Peril?
June 01, 2022
Two Recent Cases Shed Light on Potential Risks to Preferred Equity Holders in Chapter 11 Preferred equity is a varied and flexible instrument, but, in practice, it typically has a limited number of common features. One feature is that it is entitled to a "liquidation preference" ahead of common stock. Whether the liquidation preference of preferred equity entitles preferred shareholders to priority over common shareholders in a Chapter 11 reorganization is a question that figured prominently in two recent high profile cases.
Seventh Circuit Bars Bad Faith Asset Buyer Protection
June 01, 2022
"Good-faith purchasers enjoy strong protection under [Bankruptcy Code] §363(m)," but the silent asset buyer ("B") with "actual and constructive knowledge of a competing interest" lacks "good faith," held the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
Climate Change Risk and Disclosure: A New Focus for SEC Enforcement
June 01, 2022
Given the massive amount of dollars being poured into ESG funds and the SEC's renewed focus on both the funds and the companies in the funds, there is no time like the present for companies to engage in an assessment of their climate risks and how these risks and the status of the companies' ESG goals are being relayed to investors.
Commercial Real Estate Market Sees Shift Toward 'Densification' As Firms Look Long Term
June 01, 2022
Real estate executives say the construction of the office of the future is well underway within the legal industry, despite a dip in leasing activity at the beginning of the year. However, there is a shift toward "densification," as firms take advantage of favorable market conditions and make longer-term commitments.
Supreme Court Addresses Municipal Sign Regulations, Again
June 01, 2022
In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court applied strict scrutiny to a sign regulation as it related to directional signs placed by a local congregation that held services at different locations each week. The Court took another look at the issue of strict scrutiny relating to "off-premises" signs in the case of City of Austin, Texas v. Reagan National Advertising , in which the majority concluded that strict scrutiny should not apply to determining whether the off-premises sign regulations at issue violated the First Amendment.
Players On the Move
June 01, 2022
A look at moves among attorneys, law firms, companies and other players in entertainment law.
The Stenography Shortage Is Impacting Client Service: What's the Future of Court Reporting?
June 01, 2022
In the court reporting market, technology has matured to match or exceed stenography's stronghold on speed and accuracy and, as such, is poised to disrupt the market.