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We found 2,537 results for "Entertainment Law & Finance"...

Cameo Clips
July 28, 2011
How Joint Venture Was Developed for Touring Bands
July 28, 2011
This year, three bands boarded a vintage train for a tour through the American Southwest. The bands formed a joint venture to manage their Railroad Revival Tour and control revenues and related intellectual property, including a documentary DVD. <b>Matthew V. Wilson</b>, an associate at Atlanta, GA's Arnall Golden Gregory who structured the deal, describes the arrangement in the following interview.
Analysis of Decision By Supreme Court on Video Games
July 28, 2011
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and his teammates recently mowed down California's ban on violent video games with fully loaded First Amendment precedents and barbed retorts to opposing arguments. In doing so, the U.S. Supreme Court reinforced a fundamental point: First Amendment protections do not depend on the medium of communication. Thus, video games are protected speech, and restrictions based on their content will be subject to strict scrutiny.
Tax Court Divides Endorsement Income into Personal Service Or Royalty Earnings
July 28, 2011
The U.S. Tax Court decided that fees received by international pro-golfer Retief Goosen for so-called "on-course" endorsement deals constituted both personal service and royalty income.
New Business Structures for Keeping Cast Albums Alive
July 28, 2011
This article discusses how, in the wake of changing economic and industry conditions, new business structures have evolved to bolster the production and exploitation of cast albums while shifting the risk and reward from large labels to the authors, investors and producers of the shows themselves.
Music Published on Internet Ruled 'U.S. Work'
July 28, 2011
A Finnish record company's claim that pop music producer Timbaland and pop star Nelly Furtado plagiarized its music was recently thrown out of court by a Miami federal magistrate.
IP News
July 27, 2011
Highlights of the latest intellectual property news from around the country.
Bit Parts
June 30, 2011
Members in Expos' When Music Act Gained Success Own Common Law Rights to Name<br>Right of Publicity and Trademark Rulings on "Dillinger Tommy Guns" in Videogames
Music Published On Internet Ruled 'U.S. Work'
June 30, 2011
A Finnish record company's claim that pop music producer Timbaland and pop star Nelly Furtado plagiarized its music was thrown out of court by a Miami, FL, federal magistrate in the Southern District of Florida.
Trademark Letter Rulings from Customs Service Are Expeditious, But Under-Used Tool
June 30, 2011
The following article takes a general intellectual-property approach to trademark infringement from the perspectives of both trademark holders and product importers, while providing much useful, technical information for entertainment industry professionals.