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We found 2,102 results for "Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report"...

The Best of MLF 2007
January 30, 2008
In last month's issue, we highlighted articles from the first half of 2007. Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Anne "Betiayn" Tursi presents in this issue excerpts from one article from each of the August to December issues.
Movers & Shakers
January 30, 2008
Who's doing what; who's going where.
Working Capital Issues for the Law Firm
January 30, 2008
Last month's installment addressed working capital issues including client costs advanced and the capital drain of a growing business. The conclusion of this series discusses retirement and risk tolerance.
Strategies for Coping with Recession
January 30, 2008
This article describes several strategies that a managing partner should consider when developing a plan to survive a recession.
Movers & Shakers
January 29, 2008
Who's doing what; who's going where.
<b>BREAKING NEWS:</b> Sullivan & Cromwell Suit Against Vendor Highlights Problems with e-Discovery
January 07, 2008
Sullivan &amp; Cromwell has sued an electronic discovery company for allegedly missing deadlines and preparing the wrong documents for production in the course of a major litigation.
January issue in PDF format
December 28, 2007
Five Significant Inter-Generational Relations Blunders
December 28, 2007
Firms are struggling with generational divides because they make the blunders enumerated in this article.
It's No Coincidence: The Successful Firms Have Strong Management and Leadership
December 28, 2007
Nothing is as important to the success of a law firm as strong leadership at the top. Yet, in far too many firms, the partners are still reluctant to give anyone the CEO authority needed for effective management and leadership.
Advancing Women in Law Firms
December 28, 2007
This article lays the groundwork for those in power to learn how they can help women lawyers succeed.