Company Interviews of Employees Suspected of Wrongdoing
October 30, 2007
Since Sarbanes-Oxley ('SOX') became law in 2002, companies have had a heightened interest in determining if there has been wrongdoing within their business. When a company has reason to believe that one or more employees may have engaged in practices that could expose it and them to civil lawsuits, regulatory actions or criminal charges, good business practice calls for the company to find out what occurred, who was involved, how extensive the conduct was, and how it happened. From the very beginning of this process, a particularly difficult issue is what employees interviewed in the company's investigation should be told about getting their own lawyers.
Charney v. Sullivan & Cromwell: What Lessons Lie Here for Your Firm?
October 30, 2007
This article reviews the <i>Charney</i> case and applicable federal cases that might apply in workplace discrimination and relatiation situations, and points out the hidden dangers of local ordinances that attempt to regulate human behavior, and (arguably) even thought, in the workplace.
A Look At FIN 48
October 30, 2007
In an effort to increase comparability and consistency in how companies report income tax positions on financial statements, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ('FASB') issued FASB Interpretation Number 48 ('FIN 48'), Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes on July 13, 2006. FIN 48 changes the way companies must account for uncertain tax positions taken on federal, state and local, and international income tax returns for financial reporting purposes.
Supplemental Bonuses
October 29, 2007
New York's Sullivan & Cromwell LLP plans to pay counsels and senior associates (fifth-year level and up) bonuses tied to the firm's financial performance.
An Upbeat View: Nonlawyer Ownership of Law Firms
October 29, 2007
This article examines the two main objections to outside ownership of law firms. The first is that it would permit nonlawyers to interfere with lawyers' exercise of professional judgment. The second is that the firm's duty to its shareholders would lead it to focus blindly on maximizing profits.
The Uncertain Tax Status of Series LLCs
October 29, 2007
The Internal Revenue Service has not weighed in on the proper tax classification of series LLCs. Accordingly, lawyers recommending this new form of entity to clients or considering a series LLC for an ancillary business of the law firm or other purpose should proceed with caution.
Cyberinsurance for Data Security Risks
October 29, 2007
The harms that can result from computer security breaches are largely uncovered by the types of insurance policies most law firms maintain. Combined with the inadequate security most law firms provide for client data, the resultant risk exposure arguably violates legal professional ethics. A firm's failure to adequately protect computer-based master files, time-and-billing records, court filings, wills, powers of attorney, corporate records, and other client-related materials is a violation of bar association requirements to preserve client files and more generally a failure in the firm's overall duty to act competently in the best interests of its clients.
Detailed Billing
September 28, 2007
Today's bills are as thick as case files, and at least as detailed. Concerned over what lawyers are doing with their time and who's working on a matter ' whether to track diversity or to keep expensive but inexperienced first-year associates off the case ' clients demand exhaustive accounting from their outside counsel.