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Protecting Clients In the Virtual World
May 01, 2022
The "metaverse" in conjunction with Web 3.0 can be thought of as an immersive virtual reality world or worlds, where users can play games, socialize,…
Trademark Coexistence May Become a Necessity As Market for Trademarks Grows
May 01, 2022
Trademark publication can be an anxious part of the application process, with fear of aggressive opposition and costly proceedings looming in the background. But many oppositions, whether they are only threatened or actually filed, afford the applicant a discussion with the opposer that can ultimately be helpful in nonobvious ways.
Reframing 101: How to Use 'Yes' and 'No' for Negotiation Breakthroughs
May 01, 2022
When you're negotiating, being able to reframe — to change your perspective and approach an issue through a new lens — is critical to getting your needs and wants met.
Fifth Circuit Ruling Gives Commercial Lessees Likely Protection In Bankruptcy Court Free and Clear Asset Sales
May 01, 2022
The Fifth Circuit signaled that it would not approve in later cases a bankruptcy court asset sale of real property that summarily cuts off the rights of the debtor's lessees.
The Biden Administration's 2023 Budget: Déjà Vu All Over Again
May 01, 2022
The Treasury's Greenbook commenting and explaining budget recommendations for FY 2023 raises warnings of tax increases. But what are the odds Congress passes anything before the midterm elections this November? This article presents a summary of the proposed tax increases and the likelihood of these provisions being enacted into law.
Strategies for Advising Foreign Clients As DOJ Pursues Extraterritorial Criminal Cases
May 01, 2022
This article addresses some issues to consider, including foreign arrest procedures, contesting extradition, and engaging with prosecutors before a defendant arrives in the United States.
Questions of Fact About Liability for Broker Commission After Expiration of Brokerage Agreement
May 01, 2022
In an action to recover a brokerage commission, the Appellate Division affirmed a broker's appeal of denial of its summary judgment motion, holding that questions of fact remained about seller's liability for a commission after expiration of the brokerage agreement.
Bit Parts
May 01, 2022
Seventh Circuit Denies COVID-Shutdown Insurance Coverage to Movie Exhibitor
Landlord & Tenant Law
May 01, 2022
Prior Landlord's Purchaser of Loft Tenant's Improvements Exempted Unit from Rent Regulation Notice of Termination Did Not Meet Federal Standards Tenant Entitled to Actual Damages for Landlord Breach, But Not to Suspension Payment Tenant Entitled to Preliminary Injunction Against Use of Video Cameras In Interior of Premises
Upcoming Event
May 01, 2022
New York State Bar Association Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section Annual Spring CLE Virtual Meeting