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May 01, 2022
Neighbors Have Standing to Challenge Use Variance for Operation of Concrete Manufacturing Plant
IP News
May 01, 2022
Federal Circuit Affirms Precedential Opinion Panel Decision Limiting the Circumstances In Which the Board Should Raise Sua Sponte Patentability Issues Against Proposed Substitute Claims Federal Circuit Rejects District Court's Claim Construction As Being Too Narrow Federal Circuit Rejects District Court's Claim Construction Because It Is Not Supported by the Intrinsic Evidence, and Leaves Dependent Claims Without Scope
Law Firms Reviewing Contracts to Battle Inflation
May 01, 2022
As inflation worsens, legal chiefs and their in-house teams are stepping up and finding ways to help their companies tamp down a vast array of price hike fires. And a significant part of that work is reviewing contracts with service providers, clients and other business partners.
Rebranding Your Law Firm? Read This First
May 01, 2022
If your firm is making substantive changes, a rebrand helps to communicate that internally and externally.
Why Bankruptcy Attorneys Need to Help Their Clients Face Distressed Assets Now
May 01, 2022
Cyclical challenges in the economy are nothing new to bankruptcy attorneys and their clients, and 2022 is shaping up to be that kind of year for business owners nationwide. This is likely to result in a greater need for the services of bankruptcy attorneys as business owners face a mounting wave of distressed financial assets.
Crypto Executive Order 'Both a Landmark and a Question Mark'
May 01, 2022
The Biden administration released its long awaited executive order on cryptocurrency, directing a range of federal agencies to study and assess a litany of issues related to digital assets, including cybersecurity, money laundering and climate impact.
7 Post-Pandemic Commercial Property Tax Tips
May 01, 2022
As post-pandemic market values fluctuate due to higher prices, property owners need to adopt strategies to keep their assessed property values down. As we emerge from COVID-19 here are seven key considerations to minimize property tax assessments even as prices increase.
Drafter Not Bound By Its Own Deed Modification
April 01, 2022
When the city, as a seller of real estate, attaches a document to the deed at closing, but the deed does not refer to that document, may the buyer introduce evidence to establish that the document was intended to clarify the deed description?
Co-ops and Condominiums
April 01, 2022
Sponsor's Obligation to Conform to Building Code Not Waiveable Allocation of Boat Slips Protected By Business Judgment Rule Co-Op's Ejectment Action Dismissed
Real Property Law
April 01, 2022
Statute of Limitations Bars Foreclosure When Mortgagee Was Not Mortgagee In Possession Statute of Limitations Bars Easement Claim Estate Lacked Standing to Challenge Deed on Which Former Partner's Name Was Forged Partition Action Dismissed for Failure to Prove Cotenancy Interest