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Landlord & Tenant Law
April 01, 2022
Hearing Necessary to Determine Reasonableness of Pet Accommodation Whether Sales Counter Constituted Trade Fixture Is a Question of Fact Four-Year Lookback Rule Inapplicable When Issue Is Whether Apartment Is Regulated
April 01, 2022
Rental Permit Law Did Not Constitute Unconstitutional Search or Seizure Challenge to Building Permit Denial Dismissed for Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies
Thinking About PR In Law Firm Responses to the War In Ukraine
April 01, 2022
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war bring up an interesting conundrum for law firms with business ties to Russia. It also sheds new light on the pattern of law firms (and other corporations) speaking out about social causes and events with significant societal implications. A law firm's actions can have PR implications, particularly when it comes to what is or is not communicated to stakeholders and the media.
It's Time for Post-Pandemic Law Firm Retreats
April 01, 2022
After two years of cancelled, postponed or virtualized versions, in-person retreats are finally back. It's time to refresh ourselves on why and how to run a safe and healthy in-person retreat.
Avoid These 7 Mistakes to Not Seem 'Salesy'
April 01, 2022
It doesn't take much to be perceived as 'salesy.' A poorly-timed question, over-confidence, or a little too much enthusiasm can sour your prospect on you. Being perceived as salesy can create obstacles to winning the engagement. Fortunately, it's easy to avoid being salesy. Simply, avoid creating sales pressure.
Racial Equity Audits Create Accountability for DEI Programs
April 01, 2022
As intolerance for inequities in policing and the workplace grew, corporations across the nation pledged their commitment to transform their hiring, promotion, and retention practices to foster inclusion for personnel at all levels. Whether organizations have made good on these commitments is an open question. Racial Equity Audits have emerged as a promising method for answering that question and addressing identified shortcomings.
Why Hire a Fractional CMO?
April 01, 2022
A fractional CMO is an outsourced marketing executive that can perform all the functions of a chief marketing officer, including strategy, planning and implementation, without a company having to commit to a long-term, full-time salary.
Use Marketing and Biz Dev Content for Cross-Selling Success
April 01, 2022
If you're unsure about how to get your cross-selling efforts going, marketing and business development content, in all of its forms, is your secret weapon for cross-selling your firm's services.
You Won't Know It When You See It: The Challenges of Fabricated Evidence in the Digital Age
April 01, 2022
How significant is the threat of fabricated digital evidence that can alter the outcome of a case? In today's wired workplace, it's considerable.
Beach Boys Songs Written Decades Ago Triggered Current Quarrel With Lawyers
April 01, 2022
There's current litigation in the ongoing Beach Boys litigation saga. A lawsuit filed in 2019 against Nevada residents Mike Love and his wife Jacquelyne in the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada that alleges inaccurate payment by the Loves under the retainer agreement and seeks $84.5 million in damages.