Are Voting Rights Provisions In Subordination Agreements Enforceable?
October 01, 2022
Subordination agreements often contain an agreement by the subordinated creditor that, if the issuer is a debtor in a bankruptcy case, the senior creditor can vote the claim of the junior creditor on any proposed Chapter 11 plan. If given effect, such a voting provision can give a senior creditor significant power, relative to both the subordinated creditor and other creditors, to support or oppose confirmation of a plan.
New Technologies Make for a Shifting Definition of 'Technical Competence'
September 01, 2022
While new and/or improving technologies may be challenging, they likely also present new opportunities which can facilitate delivering the best services at the best cost. Some solutions can be handled directly by law firms — but others will require the courts to approve, and, perhaps, even change of procedures to get with the times.
The Duty and Benefits of Technology Competence
September 01, 2022
We all have experienced technology's dramatic effect on bankruptcy practice, particularly in the electronic filing of documents and in the electronic communication and sharing of information among parties.
Update On Preference and Fraudulent Transfer Litigation
September 01, 2022
The appellate courts have been busy explaining or clarifying preference and fraudulent transfer law. Although novices may think the Bankruptcy Code (Code) is clear on its face, imaginative counsel have found gaps in the statute and generated rafts of litigation since the Code's enactment in 1979. Recent appellate decisions, summarized below, show that courts are still making new law or refining prior case law.
Protecting a Trademark Licensor's Rights In a Bankruptcy Case
September 01, 2022
A recent bankruptcy case from the District of Delaware underscores the need for a trademark licensor to be alert to filings made in its licensee's bankruptcy case that may require prompt action by the licensor to protect its valuable rights under a license agreement.
It May Not Be Too Late to Assume That Lease
August 01, 2022
Given the potentially harsh consequence of failing to timely assume a vital lease, a Chapter 11 debtor must be vigilant to avoid a forfeiture. It is important to know, however, that all might not be lost even if the debtor misses this deadline.