An Overview of FIN 48: Accounting for Uncertain Income Tax Positions
August 29, 2007
In an effort to increase comparability and consistency in how companies report income tax positions on financial statements, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ('FASB') issued on July 13, 2006 FASB Interpretation Number 48 ('FIN 48'), <i>Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes.</i> FIN 48 changes the way companies must account for uncertain tax positions taken on federal, state and local, and international income tax returns for financial reporting purposes. Despite the requests for delay by numerous companies and trade and lobbying groups, the provisions of FIN 48 became effective for fiscal years beginning on or after Dec. 15, 2006. The provisions of FIN 48 apply broadly to all companies that issue financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ('GAAP') and that are potentially subject to federal, state and local, or foreign income taxes.
Today's Approach to Distressed Situations: A Lessor's Guide
August 29, 2007
Back in 1985, one of us contributed to an industry publication an article titled <i>Strategies for Recovery in Lessee Bankruptcy</i>. Twenty-two years later, the landscape of bankruptcy law and the leasing industry have changed dramatically, and issues and problems faced by the equipment lessor today have much different priorities. As the equipment leasing community contemplates the landscape today, some new approaches and decision drivers face the leasing executive when his lessee files Chapter 11, or threatens to do so.
Why Your Financial Specialist Should Be Independent
August 29, 2007
Over the years, matrimonial lawyers everywhere have increasingly embraced the concept of working with experienced, credentialed professionals who specialize in the financial aspects of divorce. Originally, most of these specialists were Certified Public Accountants and the work was mainly of a forensic nature. Recently, however, we have seen an increase in the involvement of professionals whose background is in the financial planning arena. Today, among other tasks, the planner is often retained to examine the longer-term impact of settlements and answer the client's question: 'Will I be okay financially?'
Business Development Will Dominate Marketing
August 29, 2007
In the real business world, marketing and business development functions co-exist ' albeit uncomfortably at times ' in a more or less equitable partnership that sees them working toward common objectives but living on separate islands. In the somewhat more surreal world of BigLaw business, the functions tend to live together but, all too often work at cross-purposes. And therein lies a budding tale. Who is best suited to lead the firm, at least until the next, next thing comes along? The answer seems clear. There's a new sheriff in town. Its name is business development.
Pensions and Restitution
August 29, 2007
Being a white-collar defendant is very expensive. Just the cost of putting up a serious defense is more than most business executives can bear, and whether companies must pay their ex-employees' legal fees has been hotly litigated in the much discussed KPMG tax shelter case in the Southern District of New York. Meanwhile, an important <i>en banc</i> decision of the Ninth Circuit addresses the financial impact on individuals at the other end of the criminal process: whether pension trust funds may be reached to satisfy a criminal judgment of restitution.
Anatomy of an IP Theft
August 28, 2007
Matters related to intellectual property ('IP') have become so common in our e-discovery and computer-forensics practice that when we tell our staff there's a new matter requiring our attention, the general response is typically: 'Let me guess ' another company where a former employee has left for a competitor or created a startup, and allegedly stole the company's key intellectual property to get a head start.' From that point, we delve into another adventure to hunt down the next smoking gun and, in some instances, the silver bullet.
Changes to Retiree Health Benefits
August 28, 2007
Changes in accounting rules, spiraling health-care costs, increased competition and changing demographics converge to make it economically infeasible for some employers to continue providing such benefits at the generous levels of years past. Consequently, many companies have been compelled to modify their retiree health plans in ways that reduce or eliminate some benefits or that require retirees to pay more out of pocket. These changes have resulted in an avalanche of litigation.
Federal Contractors and Executive Order 11246
August 28, 2007
This past year has seen a flurry of activity under Executive Order 11246 ('EO 11246'), the law that governs the administration of affirmative action programs of employers that have certain government contracts or subcontracts. In the wake of these new changes, this article offers suggestions of best practices relating to one of the most noteworthy developments for EO 11246 compliance: the 'Internet Applicant' rule, which became effective on Feb. 6, 2006.
Support Modification: Overview and Update
July 31, 2007
In the past few years, more requests for modification of a child support obligations, either upward or downward, have been denied than granted. With regard to the cases in which an upward modification was denied, the courts have been reluctant to find that the party seeking to modify the child support obligation has established that any claimed change in circumstances was unanticipated or that the children's needs were not being met.