The Place to Network: Innovative Networking Strategies for Women Attorneys
July 31, 2007
If pressed, undoubtedly any woman attorney could come up with a litany of reasons why she cannot be a rainmaker or proactive networker, ranging from responsibilities at home to discrimination or being underestimated in terms of capabilities by bosses or clients, both male and female. The good news is that rather than searching for excuses, many female lawyers are aggressively and successfully networking to develop their client rosters despite challenges they face.
Career Journal: Looking at Law-Firm Marketing Depts. in 2007
July 31, 2007
The first half of 2007 revealed some new trends in law-firm marketing, including structural shifts in departments that are yielding the addition of new job functions. This has made the quest for talent to fill these roles exceedingly difficult.
Ruling Signals Change in French Tax Treatment of LLP Distributions
July 30, 2007
Earlier this year, the French authorities signaled that a welcome change may be afoot in the tax treatment of distributions from UK LLPs under French law. (Most U.S. firms operate in France through the UK, unless they are grandfathered and in practice in France since the early 1990s.) This article discusses the scope of the ruling and its ramifications for UK firms considering a LLP conversion or those already in or contemplating alliances with French firms.
Unfunded Retirement Plans: An Ongoing Problem
July 30, 2007
During the past year, we witnessed a marked increase in the number of law firms, both large and small, which are finding that their existing unfunded retirement plans are becoming significant, disruptive forces. The underlying problem created by these plans is that the plans result in current income being diverted to former partners, thereby reducing the compensation of the remaining active partners. Today, the combination of an expected spike in retirements related to the baby boom generation and, for many firms, greatly increased benefit exposure due to sharp increases in firm profitability that is factored into the value of retiree benefits, stand ready to test the financial viability of even the strongest firms.
Case Management and Analysis
July 30, 2007
In the last few decades, 'going to trial' has lost its luster. Corporate counsel and business leaders have grown wary of the risk, expense and diversion of resources associated with trials. As plaintiff lawyers availed themselves of new theories of liability and liberal discovery, courts have grown congested and the road to verdict has grown longer. Trials have become synonymous within the business community with aberrant verdicts and wasteful expenditures of time and money.
Overcoming The Barriers to Organizational Change
July 18, 2007
When introducing new technologies or processes, managing the challenge of change requires a clear vision, ongoing two-way communication with the affected stakeholders and an understanding of people's levels of influence and commitment to the change. A law firm's culture can impede the adoption of new processes. When employees are accustomed to performing tasks in a certain way, you are bound to come up against some resistance if the new processes translate into a loss of their routines and comfort levels. Therefore, it is imperative that you get the appropriate people involved early in the planning to make sure they understand the new systems and processes ' and how the changes will affect them and the firm.
ALM Sold to Incisive Media
July 06, 2007
ALM, publisher of Law Journal Newsletters, The American Lawyer, Corporate Counsel, The National Law Journal and 30 other national and regional publications, will be sold to London-based Incisive Media for $630 million, according to a joint announcement July 5 by the two companies.
Sizing Up the Am Law 100
June 29, 2007
They may lament that they are the poor cousins of hedge fund managers and private equity stakeholders, but law firm partners are hardly suffering.
From Moral Partners to a Moral Firm
June 29, 2007
In March, <i>The American Lawyer</i> ran a cover story about a prestigious national law firm that found itself mired in legal and ethical problems even as it enjoyed unparalleled growth and economic success. The article asks: Are the firm's great strengths — enterprise, speed, and daring — also its great flaw?