Corner Office: Uses and Abuses of the Two-Tier Partnership
June 29, 2007
By the late 1990s, many law firms adopted a practice that significantly changed the original partnership paradigm. They created a new position, called nonequity, income, or contract partner, into which associates who were not admitted as equity partners could be placed. In effect, they created a two-tier partnership. This permitted them to retain associates longer, with the prospect that equity partnership might still be in their futures. But it was seldom made clear just how far into their futures.
The Practice Group: A Firm Management Tool Or an Anchor?
June 28, 2007
The popularity of the practice group — an entity within a firm comprised of those who practice a specific area of law or serve a specific industry — is well grounded, in that it opens a number of advantages to managing a practice and better serving clients. But so complex and management sensitive are practice groups that they open, as well, the easy propensity to misuse the practice group concept in a classic case of poor management canceling the value of a good concept.
Project Management Matters
June 28, 2007
A couple of years ago, Bill Payne of Dorsey & Whitney LLP invited me to come to Minneapolis on two weekends in mid-winter. Not for a retreat or winter sports, but to meet with partners in their office on Saturdays. Payne was then the head of the M&A Group and he explained: 'We do a lot of mid-market deals, many with similar dynamics, documents and time pressures. Yet, each deal seems to be run like we were starting from scratch. We reinvent the wheel. We do wonderful individual work, sometimes under crisis conditions, but we don't seem to pull together as a team.' He wanted more teamwork, more project planning, and more learning from each deal. I jumped at the chance to facilitate the partners' discussions. Any firm that values matter management to this degree must be serious.
MA Health Care Reform Law
June 28, 2007
On April 12, 2006, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ('Commonwealth') enacted legislation requiring most state residents to carry health insurance either through their employers or individually. The goal of the legislation is to 'provide access to affordable, quality, accountable healthcare' to everyone in the state, while reducing the percentage of uninsured residents to as close to 0% as possible. The reform law maintains employer-sponsored health insurance as the primary source of coverage for Commonwealth residents. While beneficial to employees, employers are faced with new obligations and the financial burdens of providing health benefits to employees. Employers that fail to provide health insurance to their employees may be subject to a surcharge of $295 annually per employee plus additional penalties.
The Looming Associate Crisis
June 28, 2007
An associate recruitment and retention crisis is looming for which there are no easy solutions. Law schools continue to graduate roughly 40,000 students a year, as they have over the last 20 years. The AmLaw 200 law firms have been steadily hiring an average of 4%+ more associates each year, resulting last year in a typical incoming associate class of 50. That means that AmLaw 200 firms now hire about 10,000 new associates a year, or about 50% of the graduates from the top 100 (hardly the Ivy League elite) of the nation's 200 law schools.
Toll Road Leasing Programs: Ready to Roll?
June 28, 2007
Part One of this series discussed precedent transactions and standard terms and conditions in the toll road leasing market. The conclusion continues the discussion of terms and conditions and addresses legislative developments.
Movers & Shakers
June 28, 2007
News about lawyers and law firms in the franchising industry.
Securities Industry Employment Disputes
June 28, 2007
Author Carol A. Wittenberg, who has served on the Major League Baseball/Players' Association salary arbitration panel for the past eight years, as well as mediating and arbitrating numerous financial disputes in the securities industry, explains the different methods of arbitration that work--and do not work--in the volatile securities industry.