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The Legal Difficulties of Blockchain Domain Names
April 01, 2022
Blockchain domain names, a new set of domain names, are ripe for cryptocurrency legal abuse and generally not susceptible to traditional legal amelioration. A combination of legal, business and technological approaches is best used to address blockchain domain name legal difficulties.
PA Ruling Shows Power of Obtaining Mechanic's Lien
April 01, 2022
In Pennsylvania, if a contractor is not paid for repairs or improvements made to real estate, the contractor can either take the traditional path of litigation and sue the property owner by filing a complaint under contractual or equitable theories or file for a mechanics' lien that clouds title to the real estate.
Supreme Court's Breyer Ruling on Mistakes In Copyright Registrations
April 01, 2022
The Ninth Circuit had ruled in 2020 that §411(b)(1)(A) of the federal Copyright Act excuses inadvertent mistakes of fact on copyright registrations but not mistakes of law. The Supreme Court has now ruled 6-3 that the provision covers both mistakes of facts and law.
Use Business Development Content for Cross-Selling Success
April 01, 2022
If you're in that boat, or you are unsure about how to get your cross-selling efforts going, marketing and business development content, in all of its forms, is your secret weapon for cross-selling your firm's services.
First Dark Web Insider Trading Case Shows Government Active In Policing Tech
April 01, 2022
In a first of its kind prosecution, the Southern District of New York brought an insider trading case against defendant for selling inside information on the Dark Web. The SEC also brought a civil regulatory action against the defendant for the same conduct. In a rare move, however, SDNY and SEC charged this same conduct under different insider trading statutes. This difference underscores the legal complexities involved when the origin of inside information in the digital world is unknown.
Fresh Filings
April 01, 2022
Notable court filings in entertainment law.
Keep Terms of Service and Privacy Notices Separate
April 01, 2022
This article examines why terms of service and privacy notices should work in conjunction with one another, but also why it is not advisable to incorporate privacy notices into online terms of service.
Landlords Turn the Tech to Keep Up With Sustainability Requirements
April 01, 2022
Government policies are pushing landlords to meet new sustainability requirements, heaping pressure on investors to back up their efforts to go green. In response, more owners are relying on AI and other technologies to help them meet the challenge and avoid steep financial penalties.
Is the Use of Third-Party Releases In Bankruptcy Cases Stretched Too Thin?
April 01, 2022
Third-party releases are often incorporated into the bankruptcy plan as a means of protecting nondebtor parties from litigation that is directly or even tangentially related to the debtor's business. Over the last several years, the scope and use of such third-party releases appears to have been stretched arguably to the breaking point as demonstrated in a recent and important district court decision.
Ninth Circuit Issues Decision on Trade Secret Injunctive Relief
April 01, 2022
Earlier this year, the Ninth Circuit issued a decision affirming a district court's denial of an injunction following a finding of trade secret misappropriation. While the opinion is designated as unpublished — and therefore not precedential — the panel's reasoning sheds light on an important issue in trade secrets remedies.