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We found 2,102 results for "Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report"...

Pros and Cons of Sequenced Retirement
February 28, 2007
Coming to terms with retirement is difficult and, like most things, is even harder if you are a law firm partner. As soon as you begin to think about throttling things back a tad, your clients demand a quicker response time and your partners want you to bring in more business. At the same time, what seemed just a short time ago to be a distant respite is now looming over you and you may not even know what to do or if you can even afford to do it. Moreover, even if you do not want to retire, your partnership agreement may have a mandatory retirement provision that takes away your choice.
Nondiscrimination Rights: EEOC Limits on Waivers
February 28, 2007
When involuntary employment terminations become necessary, employers often seek protection from possible post-employment claims by conditioning severance pay on the signing of a general release and agreement not to sue. As a general rule, such waivers are enforceable if they are 'knowing and voluntary.' Less clear, however, is under what circumstances an employer may condition severance payments on a promise by the departing employee that he/she will not pursue a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ('EEOC') in connection with an allegation of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.
Supporting Non-Equity Career Opportunities Through Two-Tier Ownership Structures
February 28, 2007
Lately, we've been hearing from a growing number of our (Hildebrandt International, Inc.) clients about escalating concerns relating to career path and non-equity opportunities. Although 79 AmLaw 100 firms and 169 of the NLJ 250 firms acknowledge a tiered ownership structure, and a large number of others utilize a de facto two-tier structure, many firms still adhere to a single-tier model.
March issue in PDF format
February 28, 2007
Revenue-Focused Leaders
February 28, 2007
Go to Locate the books section, type in leadership, and see what shows up. There are more than 197,500 results for this inquiry! Clearly, there is no shortage of approaches to leadership. What is in short supply are models that work for our profession. To help narrow the focus, we will look at a subset of leadership, the art of developing revenue-focused leaders.
Older and Better: Partner Retirement Policies
February 28, 2007
You have heard the clich': '60 is the new 40.' In today's law firm, however, the 60-year-old may very well be at the prime of his or her career, and many firms are taking notice. Firms committed to building critical mass, particularly in key practice areas and offices (notably New York) are scrambling to recruit the 'big splash' partner. The seasoned attorney from a top-tier firm, approaching the firm's retirement age but not yet ready to quit, is a prime target. This partner has a loyal client base, the wisdom gained from years of experience, and prot'g's who are frequently eager and willing to follow the master.
Partnership Investments
February 28, 2007
With profits per partner continuing to rise, many attorneys have more discretionary income available for investment. In addition to investing directly in both traditional and nontraditional sources, some partners may also choose to invest (either inside or outside their law firms) in opportunities that arise in the law firm setting.
The Motion to Disqualify: A Recurring Theme in the Modern Law Firm
February 28, 2007
High-stakes disputes often generate hardball tactics by the parties and their attorneys. Even before the lawsuit is filed, attorneys are claiming conflicts of interest, on the part of opposing counsel, with increasing regularity and fervor. As law firms grow, clients merge or divest divisions, and attorney departures and arrivals become more common, conflicts of interest — and the possibility for disqualification motions — become a larger problem for law firms. Do such motions present a legitimate complaint mechanism for wronged clients, or simply one more arrow in the quiver of the scorched earth litigator? Regardless of what you think is the correct answer to the preceding question, disqualification motions and threats are unquestionably something that modern law firms are forced to address with increasing frequency.
An Overview of the New FTC Rule
February 28, 2007
On Jan. 22, 2007, after more than a decade of study, the FTC released its long-anticipated new Federal Trade Commission Rule on Franchising (the 'New Rule'). The New Rule comes into effect on a voluntary basis on July 1, 2007, with compliance becoming mandatory on July 1, 2008. Additional compliance guides are expected by July 1, 2007. Franchisors will have to make significant changes to their existing disclosure documents and follow new rules for how and when they are delivered to prospective franchisees.
An Overview of the New FTC Rule
February 27, 2007
On Jan. 22, 2007, after more than a decade of study, the FTC released its long-anticipated new Federal Trade Commission Rule on Franchising. This article outlines the key elements of the New Rule. The New Rule changes the coverage of the existing FTC Rule.


  • Strategy vs. Tactics: Two Sides of a Difficult Coin
    With each successive large-scale cyber attack, it is slowly becoming clear that ransomware attacks are targeting the critical infrastructure of the most powerful country on the planet. Understanding the strategy, and tactics of our opponents, as well as the strategy and the tactics we implement as a response are vital to victory.
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  • The Article 8 Opt In
    The Article 8 opt-in election adds an additional layer of complexity to the already labyrinthine rules governing perfection of security interests under the UCC. A lender that is unaware of the nuances created by the opt in (may find its security interest vulnerable to being primed by another party that has taken steps to perfect in a superior manner under the circumstances.
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  • Bankruptcy Sales: Finding a Diamond In the Rough
    There is no efficient market for the sale of bankruptcy assets. Inefficient markets yield a transactional drag, potentially dampening the ability of debtors and trustees to maximize value for creditors. This article identifies ways in which investors may more easily discover bankruptcy asset sales.
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  • Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright Laws
    This article highlights how copyright law in the United Kingdom differs from U.S. copyright law, and points out differences that may be crucial to entertainment and media businesses familiar with U.S law that are interested in operating in the United Kingdom or under UK law. The article also briefly addresses contrasts in UK and U.S. trademark law.
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