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Poorly Drafted Nondisclosure Agreements Can Have Lasting, and Expensive, Results
March 01, 2022
In today's increasingly complex, competitive and litigious business environment where nondisclosure agreements have crept in scope to also be noncompete agreements or anti-poaching agreements in addition to confidentiality agreements, the need for legal professionals with generalized knowledge who have managed business enterprises on a whole has become a mainstay of the corporate world.
Innovation In a Hyper-Competitive Market
February 01, 2022
The results of interviewing 30 chief talent officers along with directors and managers of recruiting reveal the impact of the pandemic on entry-level and lateral hiring, the appetite for leveraging technology to address the rapid acceleration in on-campus interviewing and lateral recruitment, and the increased focus on innovation to fuel law firm success.
Building AI and Machine Learning Technologies: Data Licensing Tips and Traps
February 01, 2022
Data is the fuel for software development, and developers use historical data from existing products to train algorithms and build AI and machine learning models. Companies are well aware of privacy and regulatory restrictions on data use, but often do not consider the potential impact of data use restrictions on intellectual property ownership and use rights.
Cybersecurity and Legal Tech In 2022: Predictions from the Field: Part Two
February 01, 2022
Predictions from experts continue, with a look at what 2022 might hold in next generation technology, legal operations and contract review.
The Top 10 2022 Job Market Predictions in Legal Technology
February 01, 2022
In 2022 hiring will remain the top obstacle to business fulfillment across the e-discovery, data privacy, and cybersecurity landscapes. Here's how to stay a cut above the competition — whether you are an employer or a job seeker.
Landscape of Standalone Cybersecurity Policies Has Changed Due to Increased Risk and Scrutiny
February 01, 2022
Because the market is rapidly changing, policyholders should not expect that they'll be offered the same coverage at renewal. Policyholders should start their renewal process earlier going into this year's renewal so they have time to analyze new pricing, as well as new endorsements that may limit coverage and consider alternative forms, insurers, and policies to maximize coverage.
Inside Cryptocurrency Pump-and-Dump Schemes
February 01, 2022
Since the inception of cryptocurrency as a widely traded asset, there has been increasing opportunity to make money through market manipulation, specifically through classic pump-and-dump and related fraudulent schemes, and more specifically CPDs.
Legal Tech: Effective Preservation Measures In Litigation Readiness
February 01, 2022
Basic ESI preservation steps, including litigation holds, relevant source checklists, and follow up steps with custodians may not be enough in some instances. Given the frequency of data loss from custodial and non-custodial sources, companies should also consider incorporating remediation strategies into their approach to preservation to better ensure defensibility.
Damage Mitigation Under the HSTPA
February 01, 2022
When the NY state legislature enacted the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (HSTPA), much of the statute's focus was on increased protection for rent regulated tenants. But the statute also includes a number of significant provisions that apply to market rate tenants.
Real Property Law
February 01, 2022
Questions of Fact About Whether Deed Conveyed to Centerline of Abutting Road Deed Created Easement, Not Fee Questions of Fact About Meaning of Restrictive Covenant Adverse Possession By 99-Year Lessee Equitable Lien Claim Fails Agreement Released Trespass and Nuisance Claims Against Neighbor Easement Not Abandoned