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The Second Annual MLF 50: The Top 50 Law Firms in Marketing and Communications
November 27, 2006
At the outset, let me congratulate the 50 firms that made this year's MLF 50. The fact that out of the hundreds of law firms with marketing programs, these 50 firms have attained the status of being considered the best programs in the country is a testament to the fabulous strides that law firm marketing, business development and media programs have achieved over the last year. There is good news here: Marketing is alive, well and prospering at many of the AmLaw 200 firms. This year, the MLF 50 showcases a wide range of firms and their marketing activities that can best be described by using a sports metaphor ' a full contact sport. The profession has come a long way in terms of sophistication, depth and creativity. In the following pages, you will see the power of marketing, business development and media and how can transform and strengthen a law firm ' and yes, make it more profitable. What is important to note is that many of these marketing activities were created as vehicles for pro bono and diversity initiatives. It should come as no surprise that doing good deeds for others and creating a diverse environment leads to prosperity.
An Overview of China's New Bankruptcy Law
November 06, 2006
After a long gestation China's new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law (Bankruptcy Law) will become effective on June 1, 2007. <br>The Bankruptcy Law is the first standardized bankruptcy law in China, replaces the old law and myriad other regulations, and removes some of the administrative uncertainty that existed under the former sets of regulations. The Bankruptcy Law applies to all enterprises 'with legal person status,' including SOEs, private companies, limited liability companies, companies limited by shares, and foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs). Individuals and partnerships are not subject to the new Bankruptcy Law.
The Magic of Making Rain
November 02, 2006
In today's complex law firm business environment, one might ask, what is Mark or Mary's magic? How do they bring in so much business? How do they make those deals happen? To ensure the long-term 'harvest, life, health and abundance' for the firm, one must ask whether the magic of rainmaking can be developed in new associates, seasoned lawyers or law firm executives. <br>As a lifelong advocate of professional development, I must confess that some of the skills may not be teachable, but are rather a part of an individual's personality and intuitive style that, when combined with their legal expertise, create an ability to make connections, build trust and sustain relationships. However, we are able to develop a lawyer's and his or her team's skills over time ' and that is an essential element of a rainmaking team that has depth.
Is Sales Training Worth the Investment?
November 02, 2006
A veteran sales trainer was trying to convince a room full of sales professionals to simply keep an open mind. Glancing at the class and back to the flip chart, he tapped his finger on the hand-written third circle and explained: 'This is where ' you don't know what you don't know!' After explaining the first two circles that represented information that 'you know you know,' and 'you know you don't know,' I had to reflect on this profound concept for a moment. And of course ' he was right! The danger zone is clearly the outer circle where one doesn't even recognize the need for knowledge or information.
Developing a Thriving Client Team Program
November 02, 2006
Law firm management is still battling to build and maintain a thriving law firm client team program. Thrive is used purposely to emphasize a point. Programs and initiatives come and go, often without meaningful impact, but to thrive is to make steady progress; to prosper, flourish, and grow vigorously (courtesy of for this purpose). Client teams need to thrive to succeed because anything less will not produce the revenue and relationship goals the program promises to deliver. Success will depend on continuous support from many sources, motivated teaming, rigorous processes and probably fundamental cultural change. That would be tough enough if it was the absolute top priority of any business. Would you be surprised to learn that client teams have not yet reached this exalted status in most law firms?
How to Attract and Acquire a Practice Group
November 02, 2006
If you could bring in a new group of clients generating $10 million in annual legal fees, would your partners make it a priority? How about $15 million? Or $20 million? Those were the estimated historical revenues of three different groups of rainmakers (and supporting casts) assisted by Major, Lindsey &amp; Africa in the first half of 2006 as they transitioned to new law firms. Such acquisitions of groups led by major rainmakers reflect a sea change in how the legal profession does business, particularly with respect to growth. No longer satisfied with a model of organic growth 'up through the ranks' or the more recent sporadic additions of individual partners, more firms are turning their focus to the acquisition of entire practice groups; bringing with them seven- and eight-figure practices. (Mergers of entire firms, while far more common than a generation ago, are a topic for another article. While they provide many of the benefits of a group acquisition ' and sometimes far more ' there are fewer and fewer attractive and willing merger partners to consider.) For most law firms, growth no longer focuses simply on the number of attorneys, but rather on increasing revenue per lawyer, profits per partner, geographic footprint and diversity of practice areas.
How a Firm Can Be Killed By Its Culture
October 31, 2006
When firms first recognize they need to change in order to be more competitive, it appears that they have a seemingly infinite array of options. Cost-cutting, increasing billable hours, starting a marketing program and hiring a rainmaker are usually at the top of the list, but it often seems as though everyone in the firm has their own solution to the problem. In reality, there are only a few key steps that are appropriate and necessary for most firms. The real problem is that execution of these tactics is a long-term effort, not a 1-year program. Mounting a sustained effort requires a change in the behavior of the members of the firm and therefore a change in the culture of the entire firm. However, there are forces at play in every firm that act to prevent these changes. This article discusses how the culture of a firm locks it into place and prevents it from changing. Solutions for moving past these issues are also identified.
At the Tipping Point
October 31, 2006
The debate over the issue of whether or not a law firm can have a mandatory retirement age has focused on the threshold question of whether the 'partner' is an 'employer' or an 'employee' under the ADEA. If the partner is a 'bona fide' partner then he or she is an 'employer' and not protected by the ADEA. However, if the partner is not a 'bona fide' partner under the relevant legal principles (which will be discussed later in this article), he or she may be protected by the ADEA and, therefore, able to challenge the mandatory retirement age policy.
Partner Compensation Systems: Five Design Challenges
October 31, 2006
Something is beginning to quietly brew with respect to large law firm partner compensation systems.<br>The last major revolution in partner compensation began in the 1980s, aimed at increasing partners' focus on marketing and new business development. But, in the attempts to energize their partners to go out and market, many law firms may have overdone it ' and today are struggling with some of the resultant dysfunctional behaviors their reward systems have motivated.
<b>Corner Office: </b>Who's Running The Store?
October 31, 2006
To understand why many managing partners might have difficulty answering this question, one needs to examine the resource pool within law firms from which managing partners are chosen. Among the popular choices are: those with the biggest books of business, the most widely recognized reputations, the best rainmakers, the best lawyers and the most effective client service partners. Most partners feel that anyone who has attained any of those levels practicing law ought to be just as proficient at running a law firm. Not quite!


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  • Bankruptcy Sales: Finding a Diamond In the Rough
    There is no efficient market for the sale of bankruptcy assets. Inefficient markets yield a transactional drag, potentially dampening the ability of debtors and trustees to maximize value for creditors. This article identifies ways in which investors may more easily discover bankruptcy asset sales.
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  • Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright Laws
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