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Players on the Move
February 01, 2022
A look at moves among attorneys, law firms, companies and other players in entertainment law.
Will Supreme Court Settle Sale of Tax Liens Issue?
February 01, 2022
There's a split among circuit courts on whether tax foreclosure sales may be avoidable as preferential and fraudulent transfers by property owners who subsequently seek relief under the Bankruptcy Code. If the Supreme Court eventually weighs in to resolve this circuit split, property owners, municipalities, and potential bidders for tax liens across the country will receive greater clarity on this critical issue.
Fourth Circuit: Shareholders Face High Bar In Demonstrating Scienter
February 01, 2022
A recent Fourth Circuit decision held that shareholders must meet a high bar in demonstrating scienter to avoid early dismissal of the case. The decision also shows the fact-intensive approach courts use to distinguish fraudulent statements from those that, even if mistaken, were made innocently.
Law Firms Looking to Balance Decreasing Office Space With Increasing Head Count In 2022
February 01, 2022
Streamlining office space corresponds with industry-wide trends of law firms embarking on two seemingly paradoxical goals: decreasing their office space while aggressively growing head count.
Bit Parts
February 01, 2022
Latest Decision in Band Name Dispute Among Original "Rascals" Members Second Circuit Upholds District Court's Interpretation of "Broadcasting" in Insurance Policy's Media Exclusion Clause
Remote Work Yields Savings, But Watch for Tax and Jurisdiction Issues
February 01, 2022
While the rapid ascent of home offices may have initially come as a shock to more than a few corporate cultures, the truth is that business leaders who embrace long-term remote working can yield significant cost savings and boost employee morale.
Bankruptcy Practices Using Slowdown to Restructure, Sniff Out Distressed Sectors
February 01, 2022
Bankruptcy practice leaders admittedly have some time on their hands, which they're using to sniff out insolvency in distressed sectors and market their services to existing and potential clients.
More than Just a Purchase, a Partnership: Tips for Success with Cloud-based Practice Management In 2022
January 01, 2022
While functionality and features are important, there are a number of additional considerations when evaluating a practice management solution. Will your platform provider serve as a partner that will offer expert guidance and be invested in your ongoing success?
In the New Year, Be Sure to Highlight Client Service Skills
January 01, 2022
Demonstrating client service before the engagement serves attorneys well into the ongoing relationship. This checklist can help professionals discuss important topics with new clients and demonstrates their skills in quality client service.
Predicting What 2022 Holds for Cybersecurity
January 01, 2022
Predictions aside, complacency is not an option if you plan to survive and thrive in 2022. Rest assured, the future of cybersecurity is bright, but it will come with its own set of challenges. We look forward into the future because the sooner we can start adapting strategy, policies, and technologies, the better off everyone will be in the long run.