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We found 2,424 results for "Commercial Leasing Law & Strategy"...

Second Circuit Clarifies ADA Obligations
October 30, 2008
What building modifications trigger an obligation to comply with the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? The Second Circuit addressed that question in <i>Roberts v. Royal Atlantic Corp.</i> and reached a number of important conclusions.
Prevent Your Tenant Mix from Turning Your Property into a 'REC'
October 29, 2008
Last month, the author discussed RECs (recognized environmental conditions) in depth. This month, she presents a sample clause regarding a tight tank for a hypothetical Massachusetts hair salon.
Coast-to-Coast Legal Practice
October 29, 2008
In today's technology-driven culture, law firms are able to compete for the representation of clients located throughout the country and, as a result, many attorneys have provided legal services to clients located in a state other than the one(s) in which they are licensed. Here's a look at ABA Model Rule 5.5.
In the Spotlight
October 29, 2008
You are renting a new office or store and are negotiating an allowance for improvements, and planning for the costs you'll incur on fitting out the space. How can you maximize deductions from leasehold improvements and other costs you are likely to incur?
De Facto Holdover
October 29, 2008
Too often, surrender provisions in today's commercial leases are not adequately coordinated with the landlords' marketing needs, and lack adequate remedies to ensure compliance by tenants at the end of their lease terms. This article discusses the problem.
In the Marketplace
October 28, 2008
Highlights of the latest equipment leasing news from around the country.
IRS SILO Settlement Initiative
October 28, 2008
On Aug. 6, 2008, the IRS announced settlement initiatives for more than 45 large corporate taxpayers that engaged in Lease-In/Lease-Out ("LILO") or Sale-In/Lease-Out ("SILO") transactions, which were designated as listed transactions in 2000 and 2005 respectively.
e-Mail Exchanges As Binding Contracts
October 28, 2008
As a number of recent decisions in New York and elsewhere make absolutely clear, for good or for ill, parties now can conclude a contract, or amend an existing contract, via e-mail.
And on the 46th Day, Who Wins? A Primer on Federal Tax Liens, the 45-Day Rule, and Future Advances
October 28, 2008
Part One of this article discussed Article 9 security interests and future advances, and federal tax liens. This final installment addresses exceptions for purchasers, holders of security interests, and certain others.
Legislative Update
October 27, 2008
This article provides relevant highlights of legislative and regulatory reactions to the tumultuous financial events affecting equipment leasing.