The Tarnished Parachute
May 30, 2006
As American companies struggle to compete in a global market, they are increasingly considering the merits of eliminating or reducing costly retiree benefits. For many companies, the costs of these benefits have become staggering. For example, before recently announcing plans to freeze health benefits for tens of thousands of its white-collar retirees, Ford Motor Co. was facing health-care expenses of more than $3.5 billion. Its rival, General Motors, which according to recent reports owes a projected $89 billion in welfare and pension benefits to its current and future retirees, just announced that it will offer workers with 10 years' experience a payment of $140,000 and a pension, if in return these workers will leave their employment and forgo health care benefits.
Employment Agreements and Severance Arrangements
May 30, 2006
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code was enacted on Oct. 22, 2004 in an effort to regulate executive pay practices through the federal tax system. Failure to account for ' 409A's impact can seriously and adversely affect the economics of employment agreements, severance agreements, and other similar plans or other arrangements providing for a deferral of compensation. Consequently, this article details how ' 409A applies to these arrangements.
Bankruptcy Battleground
May 30, 2006
Whether an arbitration clause in a contract will be enforced by the bankruptcy courts in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act has been the focus of numerous court decisions in recent times. The consensus among most courts addressing the issue has been that a bankruptcy court can adjudicate a dispute otherwise subject to binding arbitration if the dispute falls within the court's 'core' jurisdiction. Even so, rulings recently handed down by the Second and Third Circuit Courts of Appeal suggest that the scope of a bankruptcy court's retained discretion in this area may be even less broad than is generally understood.
Measuring ROI for Marketing Efforts
May 30, 2006
Management guru and author Peter Drucker said, 'If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.' So why is it that so few law firms measure their marketing efforts? Why is it that so many Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) who are getting hammered by partners to demonstrate ROI on their efforts can't do it?
Safeguarding Confidential Employee Records
May 30, 2006
Because information has become increasingly easy to obtain and transfer, employers must take precautionary measures to ensure that confidential data is adequately protected. This applies not just to proprietary business information, but also to confidential employee data. <br>This article provides an overview of statutory, constitutional and common law concerns with res-pect to obtaining and maintaining confidential employee information, and penalties that employers may face for failing to protect the security of confidential employee records.
Insider Fraud: Biting the Hand That Feeds
May 30, 2006
You've read about it, you've heard about it, but let's say it again: Your employees, on their own or in collusion with others, can make your firm a victim of fraud. Understanding how fraud takes place can help you and your clients minimize its possibility; yet statistics show that many businesses do not understand fraud and do not recognize its red flags.
Dismantling the 'Great Wall' of Risk
May 30, 2006
A growing number of lessors exhibiting cautious optimism are slowly, but successfully, knocking down the 'great wall' that separates them from turning lease financing into a mainstream financial product in China. Investing in the Chinese leasing market can be a sound decision for lessors whose customers are asking for leases there; who can effectively manage the risks; and who are equipped to deal with major differences between the United States and China, which include language, culture, and the number and nature of business regulations.
What Do You Want To Read?
May 26, 2006
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What Do You Want To Read?
May 16, 2006
We want to know how we can make this newsletter an even better resource for your professional needs. Are we covering all you want to see? Are there sections you would like to see enhanced or replaced?<br>Your views and opinions are essential in our effort to continue to provide you with the top notch News, Strategy and Analysis you have come to expect from Law Journal Newsletters.<br>Help us help you! Please click <a href="">here</a> to complete a short survey or type the following URL into your browser:<br>Your answers will assist us in making this an even better newsletter for you! Thank you.<br>Regards,<br>Colin Graf<br>LJN Marketing Director