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Court Finds Rabbinical College Lawsuit Against Village Is Not Ripe for Determination
December 01, 2021
The Southern District of New York, as part of an unresolved 14-year saga in the Village of Pomona, New York, found that the Plaintiffs, who are seeking to construct a Rabbinical College, had brought an action against the Village that is not ripe for adjudication.
Real Property Law
December 01, 2021
Deed from One of Several Heirs Void Ab Initio Fine Imposed By Association Invalid When Bylaw Amendment Was Not Incorporated Into Declaration Seller Entitled to Retain Down Payment Because Purchaser Never Set a Closing Date Former Owner Relinquished Rights to Oil and Gas Lease
December 01, 2021
Refusal to Approve Summer Camp Triggers RLUIPA Site Plan Denial Upheld
Landlord & Tenant Law
December 01, 2021
Tenant Not Entitled to Treble Damages Because Overcharge Was Not Willful Warranty of Habitability Claim Reinstated Tenant Who Never Occupied Premises Cannot Raise Habitability Claim Landlord May Not Recover Use and Occupancy for Failure to Restore Premises
Equity, Inclusion, and Individual Engagement Principle (EIIEP)
December 01, 2021
Employee engagement is becoming vital to successful businesses, however, that hasn't translated to significantly wider adoption of meaningful diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practices in workspaces.
Leading Through Disruption
December 01, 2021
The pandemic has brought into focus the need for law firms and law firm leaders to be strategic about fostering the connections, engagement, learning, and innovation that will allow them to both attract and retain top talent.
Using Financial Intelligence to Gain a Competitive Advantage
December 01, 2021
Many law firm finance leaders are using data to drive change in their organizations, amplifying the power of profitability, and leveraging their skill to fuel innovation. Ultimately, they are helping their firms gain a competitive advantage.
Opportunity and Outsourcing In a Post-COVID World
December 01, 2021
2020 was a lesson in forced change management. Today, law firms are at a crossroads triggered by the transformational impact of the pandemic, and wondering…
Digital Marketing Surged During the Pandemic, But Are Law Firms Managing Content Effectively?
December 01, 2021
When 2020, and its accompanying pandemic, ushered in a resurgence in legal digital marketing and social media use, it was expected given the circumstances. But not all firms are managing that content effectively.
Recent Rulings on 'Embedding' Foreshadow Circuit Split: What Does That Mean For Content Use Now?
December 01, 2021
When and how can you display someone else's visual content on your website without running afoul of copyright law? When and how can someone else display your visual content? A recent ruling out of the Southern District of New York may upend the current paradigm.