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UPDATE: The Supreme Court 'Arthrex's' Decision In Action
December 01, 2021
Although several direct appeals for PTAB review or rehearing were made by parties who had received adverse outcomes at PTAB hearings after the Arthrex decision, on November 3, the first rehearing was granted by the PTO acting director.
Influence of Lost Profits Damages In Patent Cases
December 01, 2021
In two recent decisions, the Federal Circuit and a Delaware district court took account of the underlying economic conditions that permit and prevent awards of lost profits, and looked at the implications of those conditions on otherwise unrelated areas of law.
IP News
December 01, 2021
District Court: Exceptionality Found and Attorney Fees Awarded When Patent Owner Pursued Litigation With a Fraudulently Obtained Patent
Johnny Cash Museum Case Includes Attorney Conflict of Interest Issue
December 01, 2021
How does "eye of the beholder" apply to law clients for determining whether an attorney is representing more than one party to a negotiation? And how would attorney/client privilege work in such a situation? These issues have been raised in litigation involving sponsorship agreements for the Johnny Cash Museum in Nashville.
Recent Court Rulings on 'Embedding' Foreshadow Split In Circuits
December 01, 2021
When and how can someone else's visual content be displayed on a website without the website operator running afoul of copyright law? When and how can someone else display the website operator's visual content? A recent ruling on a popular practice at the center of these issues for entertainment and media companies may upend the current paradigm.
Consultants Lose Bid for Percentage of Record Label
December 01, 2021
A successful Atlanta-based hip-hop and R&B label beat back the efforts of a Los Angeles consulting firm to lay claim to hundreds of thousands of dollars and a large chunk of the company itself, when a jury declared that the record company owed the consultants less than $3,500.
Fresh Filings
December 01, 2021
Notable court filings in entertainment law.
Players on the Move
December 01, 2021
A look at moves among attorneys, law firms, companies and other players in entertainment law.
Upcoming Event
December 01, 2021
Copyright Year in Review, Nashville TN
Analyzing the Impact of the Many New Rules of Cybersecurity
December 01, 2021
New cybersecurity and data protection federal regulations, directives and guidelines as well as new case law, industry-specific guidelines and new state laws that, when taken together, form an industry standard applicable to almost all business sectors