IP News
August 01, 2022
Copyright Standing and Fifth Circuit Trade Dress Factors
UPDATE: Did the Supreme Court's 'Arthrex' Decision Open Pandora's Box?
July 01, 2022
In June 2021, the Supreme Court ruled in U.S. v. Arthrex that the statutory scheme appointing Patent Trial and Appeal Board administrative patent judges to adjudicate IPRs violates the appointments clause of the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, the Court concluded that because APJ decisions in IPR proceedings are not reviewable by a presidentially appointed and Senate-confirmed officer, such determinations are not compatible with the powers of inferior officers. The PTO later decided that it would not accept requests for director review of institution decisions. This policy is now also being questioned in Arthrex's wake.
Quebec's Bill 96 and Trademarks: Product Packaging and Labelling
July 01, 2022
The modifications brought by the Quebec's Bill 96 will have a far-reaching impact on how businesses use trademarks on product packaging, labelling, public signage and in commercial advertising. This article is Part One of a two-part series on Bill 96 and trademarks and covers the effects as they relate to product packaging and labelling and how best to comply with these new provisions.
NFTs and IP Protection
July 01, 2022
the legal frameworks governing NFTs — which could significantly impact the risks and rewards of buying or selling NFTs — are still catching up. This article addresses another key legal dimension of NFTs: intellectual property protections.
IP News
July 01, 2022
Federal Circuit: Judicial Correction Appropriate Where Correction Is Not Subject to Reasonable Debate
Federal Circuit Vacates Dismissal of Declaratory-Judgment Claim of Noninfringement and Remands for Further Proceedings
Increased Bankruptcy M&A Activity Should Provide Attractive Opportunities for Lenders
July 01, 2022
It seems clear that bankruptcy filings inevitably will increase in the near future, because of rising interest rates, pandemic-related micro-economic forces, global strife, and other macro-economic factors and their continuing strain on the global economy and individual businesses. Consequently, strategic buyers and private equity sponsors should find expanding opportunities to purchase distressed businesses out of bankruptcy.
Recommendations for Evolving Patent Eligibility of Hardware
June 01, 2022
Regardless of whether a patent practitioner's clients favor a stricter or more lenient eligibility regime, patent eligibility decisions continue to evolve. We need a line drawn for what practitioners expect to be clearer. Hardware inventions are facing patent eligibility challenges that would have seemed more likely in software inventions. Recent court decisions have shown that what once made a hardware invention eligible may no longer fly.
Fishing for Joint Patent Ownership Under 'BASF v. CSIRO'
June 01, 2022
A recent Federal Circuit opinion sheds light on the process for settling co-ownership disputes pursuant to an underlying agreement. Although the precedential opinion does not change the rules of contract interpretation, it suggests considerations when drafting ownership agreements.