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Build Back Better: Considerations for Tax Advisers & Planners
December 01, 2021
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed by the President on Nov. 15, 2021, presents a number of issues for advisers, planners and taxpayers to consider.
Messaging on Growth Important to Attract Top Talent and Prospective Clients
December 01, 2021
By keeping these communication tips in mind, firm leaders can ensure that their most important stakeholders understand the significance of their expansion and why it is a win-win for the firm, its people and its clients.
Guidance on Distributions As 'Disbursements' and U.S. Trustee Fees
December 01, 2021
In a recent case from the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, In re Paragon Offshore PLC, the bankruptcy court provided guidance on whether a post-plan effective date litigation trust's distributions constituted disbursements subject to the U.S. Trustee fee "tax."
Rate Hikes Threatening Trusted Status with Clients
December 01, 2021
After years of clients working to trim their roster of firms to a trusted group that understands the specific challenges of their businesses, rate hikes are threatening to upset these delicate relationships.
Can A Private Citizen Perform An Official Act?
December 01, 2021
This article discusses the importance of the "official act" requirement established in McDonnell v. United States, and how its logic should lead to a parallel requirement that private citizens should not be chargeable with the commission of official acts as part of a scheme to deprive the public of honest services.
Pros and Cons of Master Leases
December 01, 2021
Section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code grants debtors the ability to assume or reject any executory contract or unexpired lease. Debtors must assume or reject a lease in its entirety and are not free under Section 365 to assume only favorable provisions of a lease. Courts, however, have consistently held that they will not find a multi-property master lease to be a unitary lease merely because such properties are demised in a single document.
SCOTUS Passes on Bankruptcy Law Cases, Leaving Circuit Court Splits
December 01, 2021
'Purdue Pharma' Looms Although four cases presenting important bankruptcy issues were teed up for the Supreme Court's consideration this term, the Court denied certiorari for each. Each of these petitions involve splits among the circuit courts of appeals, influencing choice of venue and the extent to which bankruptcy decisions are subject to meaningful appeal.
How Should Law Firms Use Their Windfall of Profits?
December 01, 2021
After many firms experienced a highly profitable 2020 and sky-high demand levels in 2021, they found themselves with more cash than usual. While more than enough Big Law money has been lavished on associates and laterals recently, those aren't the only ways firms are spending their riches.
Being Selective: How Companies May Best Protect Privilege When Cooperating With a Government Investigation
December 01, 2021
This article explores a key consideration for companies under government investigation: whether voluntary disclosure of privileged information in an effort to obtain cooperation credit waives the privilege vis-à-vis third parties in subsequent litigation.
Pleading Alter Ego Liability In Commercial Lease Disputes
December 01, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged commercial landlords to rely on various legal theories to protect their legitimate rights. As federal, state and local governments enact laws to protect tenants from evictions and/or the enforcement of personal lease guarantees, a landlord's counsel must seek avenues to press its clients' rights against any entity who may be liable for outstanding rent arrears due and owing under a commercial lease.