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What Lies Ahead for 2006
January 04, 2006
It doesn't take great foresight or a crystal ball to recognize that law firms will face some serious challenges in 2006. Coming events have already cast their shadows. Some of the challenges have existed for several years. Others are new. What they add up to are two basic questions most law firms must answer: "Do we recognize the challenges facing us?" and "How are we going to address them?" This article discusses several of these challenges and, where possible, suggests some alternatives for meeting them.
<b>Professional Development University:</b> Professional Development With an Agenda for 2006
January 04, 2006
Looking into the New Year: What should the legal profession, specifically those who lead their practices to success through professional development, think about?
January 04, 2006
Highlights of the latest franchising news from around the country.
Flexibility in Flexible Spending
January 04, 2006
The Internal Revenue Service has provided guidance Notice 2005-86 on the interaction of the 2.5-month grace period for a health flexible spending arrangement (health FSA) (established earlier this year by Notice 2005-42 and an individual's eligibility to contribute to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
Domestic Partnership Benefits and the States
January 04, 2006
When the Human Rights Campaign began tracking companies offering domestic partnership benefits in 1989, the list comprised less than two dozen entities. Today, there are more than 8000 American companies offering domestic partnership benefits, including roughly 230 of the Fortune 500 companies. Of these companies, 95% offer domestic partnership benefits to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples, while 5% offer the benefits only to same- sex couples.
New York Marriage Challenge Moves to Highest Court
January 04, 2006
Same-sex couples have no constitutional right to marry, New York's Appellate Division, 1st Department, ruled on Dec. 8, in the first decision by a state appeals court to address the issue. Rejecting a constitutional challenge, Justice Milton L. Williams wrote for a 4-1 majority that the state's limitation of marriage to a "union between one man and one woman" is based upon "innate, complementary, procreative roles, a function of biology, not mere legal rights." Joining in the majority decision were Justice James M. Catterson, George D. Marlow, and John W. Sweeny Jr.
The Best of MLF 2005: Looking Back at the 'Benchmark' Year
January 03, 2006
This month we present the last of highlights of The Best of MLF 2005. In this issue we will feature selected articles from August through November 2005.
Costs and Credits: Contrasting Views
January 03, 2006
A&amp;FP reviewers rated Ed Wesemann's feature article from "much to agree with" to "excellent" to "super," but three Board members had differing views on specific points. The following exchange between Ed, John Alber and Jim Davidson is followed by a comment received later from Ed Poll. Yet another perspective on the question of associate profitability is being formulated by another discussant as an upcoming article.
Analyzing the New York Franchise Act of 1980: Q&A with Thomas M. Pitegoff, New York Bar Association, Business Law Section
December 05, 2005
In August 2005, the New York Bar Association authorized the formation of a subcommittee of the Business Law section to review, analyze, and possibly revise or rewrite the New York Franchise Act of 1980 to better reflect the current franchising landscape. The subcommittee has held several meetings and is soliciting input from all interested parties. In this interview, Thomas M. Pitegoff (White Plains, NY) discusses the initial goals of the subcommittee, its progress to date, and its continued interest in receiving comments from franchisors, franchisees, and their representatives, and others who may be affected by the New York franchise law.
The Best of MLF 2005: Looking Back at the 'Benchmark' Year
November 30, 2005
Well, it's been an exciting year here at <i>Marketing the Law Firm</i>. As with past practice, this month's issue will be a look back at the year that was. In this issue we will present February (the January issue recaps part of 2004) through July.


  • Strategy vs. Tactics: Two Sides of a Difficult Coin
    With each successive large-scale cyber attack, it is slowly becoming clear that ransomware attacks are targeting the critical infrastructure of the most powerful country on the planet. Understanding the strategy, and tactics of our opponents, as well as the strategy and the tactics we implement as a response are vital to victory.
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  • The Article 8 Opt In
    The Article 8 opt-in election adds an additional layer of complexity to the already labyrinthine rules governing perfection of security interests under the UCC. A lender that is unaware of the nuances created by the opt in (may find its security interest vulnerable to being primed by another party that has taken steps to perfect in a superior manner under the circumstances.
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  • Bankruptcy Sales: Finding a Diamond In the Rough
    There is no efficient market for the sale of bankruptcy assets. Inefficient markets yield a transactional drag, potentially dampening the ability of debtors and trustees to maximize value for creditors. This article identifies ways in which investors may more easily discover bankruptcy asset sales.
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