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Payment Under Critical Vendor Order Does Not Bar Pursuing a Preference Claim
November 01, 2021
A supplier's receipt of payment under a critical vendor order does not bar the debtor or trustee from pursuing a preference claim to recover amounts paid prepetition to the vendor, according to a recent ruling from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware.
Real Property Law
November 01, 2021
Absent Express Language, Restrictive Covenant Does Not Run With the Land Mortgagee Not Entitled to Expungement of Satisfaction Junior Mortgagee Entitled to Rely on Erroneously Recorded Satisfaction of Senior Mortgage Easement Holders Entitled tTo Pave Easement to Improve Access Federal Government Not Liable for Erosion Damages Caused By Alleged Failure to Maintain Jetties Representations and Warranties Survive Closing
Defamation Investigations: A Big Leap in Fighting Back
November 01, 2021
Internet tools are becoming more sophisticated in measuring the impact of online disparaging and defamatory statements, paving the way for affected business owners and celebrities to fight back by filing defamation suits seeking to recover damages for the harm to their reputation and brand value.
Competitive Intelligence: CI in a Vacuum? Keeping Your Sanity Check in a World of Remote Working
November 01, 2021
As we approach the end of the year, office return dates are still uncertain. While we are very capable of functioning efficiently and effectively in our remote competitive intelligence environments, it can be easy to feel isolated, like you're operating in a vacuum.
Five Things Law Firm Leaders Need to Do As People Return to the Office
November 01, 2021
Slowly, ever so slowly, lawyers and staff are making their way back to the office. While we all look forward to returning to normal, the normal we left…
Landlord & Tenant Law
November 01, 2021
Disability Discrimination Claim Dismissed As Moot
21st Century Data Dumps and the 'Brady' Rule
November 01, 2021
What are the document dump rules that apply today? And how does the Brady rule apply to this evolving area of criminal practice? This article will address these issues.
Smoke & Mirrors: The New York Cannabis Law's Illusory Lease Mandate
November 01, 2021
New York's recently enacted cannabis law, the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation of 2021 (MRTA), created a maze of new legal requirements. These provisions affect not only cannabis companies, but also the companies that conduct business with them.
Real Estate Acquisition Volume on Fast Track, But Leases Slower to Rebound
November 01, 2021
Flexibility, creativity, and other tips for commercial leasing as 2021 comes to a close.
Bit Parts
November 01, 2021
Manager's Law License Considered in California Personal Jurisdiction Ruling in Dispute Involving Rapper Lil Wayne