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Flat Fee or Consumption-Based E-Discovery Pricing? Depends on Who You Ask
October 01, 2021
Being charged per gigabyte by an e-discovery software platform isn't new, but it can still be a budgetary drain for law firms that handle many large e-discovery matters.
IP News
October 01, 2021
Nike Seeks $150 Million In Sanctions from Six Chinese Banks, and Loses
Legal Marketers Prefer Hybrid Return to Work
October 01, 2021
Seeing opportunities for reduced costs and broader hiring pool, law firm marketing chiefs are among the most vocal proponents of shifting firm operations to a virtual setting as firms bring their personnel back to the office.
Congress Seeks to Restrict Nondebtor Releases in New Bankruptcy Reform Bill
October 01, 2021
Members of Congress recently introduced the Nondebtor Release Prohibition Act, which proposes to amend the Bankruptcy Code to, among other things, restrict courts' ability to approve third-party releases of nondebtors and related injunctions under plans of reorganization or otherwise in Chapter 11 cases.
Migrating Businesses Help Grow South Florida CRE Market Despite, and Because of, the Pandemic
October 01, 2021
The South Florida office market has seen a shift due to COVID, with some downsizing and modifications of office buildings, but the influx of new potential tenants has helped mitigate any potential downsides other markets may have seen.
Upcoming Event
October 01, 2021
TexasBarCLE 31st Annual Entertainment Law Institute and Entertainment Law 101 Program, Nov. 17-19.
How Many Is Too Many? Billable Hours Can Reach Diminishing Returns
October 01, 2021
By now, it is well known that this year has been defined, at least in part, by the furious pace at which lawyers have been working. At what point do high billable hours mean diminishing returns for both the lawyer and the firm?
Van Buren Continues Supreme Court's Pattern of Statutory Interpretation to Avoid Criminalizing Trivial Acts
October 01, 2021
The Van Buren decision fits into a pattern of the court's modern criminal law jurisprudence that appears motivated by concerns about the ever-expanding reach and severity of federal criminal law.
Slut-Shamed In the Workplace? Avoiding Exposure for Your Employees' Exposure
September 01, 2021
Situations involving an employee's voluntary online exposure rarely end well and can bring legal exposure for the employer.
California Federal Court Sorts Out Ownership Issues In Dispute Over Record Albums
September 01, 2021
Approval of all the co-owners of a copyrighted work is needed to grant exclusive rights to third parties. Despite that, any co-owner can sell that co-owner's exclusive ownership share to third parties without the permission of the others The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California recently released an opinion that considered the interplay of these copyright issues.