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Federal Circuit Provides Guidance on IP Case Transfer Motions
September 01, 2021
In the past year, the Federal Circuit has repeatedly required the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas to transfer patent infringement suits from that district to more convenient venues, and in doing so it has provided increasingly specific — and often pointed — guidance to courts and litigants on the appropriate analysis for transfer motions.
How Gamification Leads to Meaningful Workplace DEI Changes
September 01, 2021
Because gamification is frequently misunderstood, people often diminish it in conversations about diversity, equity and inclusion. An examination of gamification as a whole, however, shows how it lends itself to addressing serious issues.
Landlord & Tenant Law
September 01, 2021
Tenant Did Not Establish Fraud to Warrant Application of DHCR's Default Formula Four-Year Lookback Rule Applied to Rent Determinations But Not to Determination of Rent-Stabilized Status Tenant's Impossibility and Frustration of Purpose Defenses Rejected Tenant's Frustration of Purpose Claim Survives Neutral Appraiser Entitled to Examine Previous Appraisals
Say it Ain't So! Tortious Interference with a Sublease By a Master Landlord
September 01, 2021
A South Carolina appellate court recently affirmed a trial court's decision that a landlord had tortiously interfered with a sublease by terminating the master lease after a fire damaged the subject building and such landlord was liable to the subtenant for punitive damages.
Authority to File Chapter 11: A Matter of Contract or Public Policy?
September 01, 2021
If you think public policy favoring the freedom to file a Chapter 11 trumps the freedom to negotiate specific restrictions to such a filing, think again.
Newberg, McCabe, Carson Will Preside Over Copyright Claims Board
September 01, 2021
The U.S. Copyright Office has found some big names for its Copyright Claims Board.
Biometric Law Litigation Expands Beyond Social Media
September 01, 2021
Social media has played an oversized role in lawsuits under state and local biometric privacy laws. Now, a New York City law that took effect in July is likely to significantly expand the range of biometric-related litigation beyond social media companies to a new group of defendants: retail stores, places of entertainment, and food and drink establishments.
Understanding Your Clients' Changing Needs In a Post-Pandemic Legal Market
September 01, 2021
If it was challenging to get facetime with clients pre-pandemic, that challenge has only multiplied in the post-pandemic world. As firms look for creative ways to reconnect with clients, client interviews and surveys have become more important than ever for ensuring client satisfaction, loyalty and profitability.
Bit Parts
September 01, 2021
N.Y. Federal Court Rules State's Anti-SLAPP Statute Doesn't Apply in Federal Court Lawsuits
Beyond Se Habla Español: Insights Into Selling to the Expanding Hispanic Market
September 01, 2021
Law firms frequently lack the appropriate marketing strategies to engage the growing U.S. Hispanic population. The lack of a cohesive strategy poses a risk to a law firm's current and future growth potential. This article explores practical insights for law firms that want to serve this rapidly expanding market.