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Stakeholders: How to See Things from the Client's Perspective
September 01, 2021
Without hearing the Voice of the Customer (or Client), we risk missing the mark in our strategy, messaging and positioning, as well as delivery of work, product and service, operations, technology, staffing and so forth — in short, we potentially miss on everything.
Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties Are Best Option for International Subpoenas
September 01, 2021
One provision of the AMLA was added with little fanfare and minimal discussion, yet it could have a significant impact on foreign financial institutions doing business in the United States.
USPTO Looking to Beef Up Its Own Trademark Protection
September 01, 2021
The agency announced that the Department of Commerce has applied to register the USPTO's marks in a bid to crack down on scammers who are impersonating the agency.
Voice of the Client: Stakeholders: How to Hear the Voices of the Clients and See Things from their Perspective
September 01, 2021
Without the Voice of the Customer (or Client), we risk missing the mark in our strategy, messaging, and positioning, as well as delivery of work, product and service, operations, technology, staffing, and so forth — in short, we potentially miss on everything.
Co-ops and Condominiums
September 01, 2021
Summary Judgment Premature on Discrimination Claim Defect In Recording Insufficient to Defeat Mortgage Priority
Legal Issues of Leasing to Cannabis Businesses
September 01, 2021
New cannabis businesses will need to lease commercial space in order to operate — and undoubtedly, many real estate owners are eager to meet this new demand. However, owners and prospective cannabis businesses have many legal issues and questions to consider before entering into lease agreements.
Sixth Circuit: Section 363 Sale Not 'Free and Clear' of Creditor's Claims
September 01, 2021
Buyers generally assume that the multi-page "free and clear" order, which typically follows the sale hearing, will insulate them from any of the seller's current (and often) future liabilities. However, that is not always the case.
Upcoming Event
September 01, 2021
Black Widow, Box Office and Breach of Contract: Profit Participation In COVID
Tightening Antitrust Enforcement Could Be Boon for E-Discovery
September 01, 2021
U.S. antitrust enforcement is tightening, and e-discovery practitioners and vendors in the M&A market are expecting an uptick in work. But the influx of complex discovery may drain resources for other corporate e-discovery matters.
The Queen's Gambit: Vetting Costs and Other Factors In Hiring a Tech Vendor
September 01, 2021
There are numerous "gameplays" to reduce risks when selecting and hiring a technology vendor. With each mitigating factor you incorporate into your contracting playbook, prepare to incur additional costs.