Improving Firm Profitability Through Contracts
February 01, 2023
The best and most effective way to drive firm profitability is through influencing partner behavior. The best way to incent the partners is by linking their compensation clearly and directly to the achievement of the firm's business strategy.
Techniques That Up Your Team Management Skills In 2023
February 01, 2023
Being a good team leader is not easy. It is your responsibility to manage everything about the people and the positions you oversee. Good team leaders create an environment in which attorneys and staff work hard, are loyal, and add to profitability. Setting expectations and goals is an essential step in becoming an effective team leader.
Using Feedback To Improve Team Performance
January 01, 2023
The problem with giving feedback is that it often comes across as criticism. Human beings tend to react defensively, resulting in a denial of the feedback or worse, entrenchment in the behavior or attitude that may be derailing them in the first place. How can we give feedback in a way that minimizes defensiveness?
Best Practices In Second Request Document Review: Eliminating the Fear Factor
January 01, 2023
Part One of a Two-Part Article: Challenges and solutions in document review
HSR second requests have become increasingly common in mergers or acquisitions that meet the premerger reporting threshold, which in 2022 was a transaction value of more than $101 million. The burdens of complying with second requests are onerous. The mere thought of undergoing such an exercise tends to strike fear in the heart of the legal department. In this article series, we'll outline the major challenges of second requests, suggest strategies to overcome them, and discuss how to face a second request with equanimity and confidence.
Cryptocurrency: Rich In Investment Opportunity; Ripe for Fraud Schemes
January 01, 2023
The recent implosion of FTX Trading leaves investors and their advisers wondering whether any crypto investment is safe. There have been dozens of cryptocurrency-related fraud schemes in recent years including Ponzi schemes and investment schemes using crypto and the blockchain to facilitate the fraud scheme.
Investing In Resources That Make a Law Firm Hum
January 01, 2023
Firm leadership must think about their talent (and that means all their talent) differently than they do today: as a core business asset whose managed value can make or break the firm's success.
Litigation Financing 2.0: Financing the Business of Law
January 01, 2023
It is not accidental that funding the creation or growth of law firms and practice groups has tended to follow a traditional path. Rather, this circumstance is a combination of traditional legal temperament and structural barriers to innovation. Recently, there have been changes to both.