IT Leasing on the Rise
December 28, 2006
A recent study commissioned by the Equipment Leasing and Financing Association of America ('ELFA') and produced by The Alta Group examines how U.S. businesses and other organizations acquire critical information technology ('IT') equipment and what factors influence the decision-making processes.
In the Marketplace
December 28, 2006
Highlights of the latest equipment leasing news from around the country.
Motor Vehicle Leasing in Canada: A Guide for U.S. Leasing Professionals
December 28, 2006
In the past, I have written a number of articles directed at U.S. leasing professionals on what they should know about doing business in Canada. These past articles have focused on the leasing business in general as opposed to any particular sector. They discussed broad issues, such as withholding tax and regulatory concerns, but did not examine the specifics of any particular class of collateral or industry sector. During the past several months, I have received a number of inquiries from U.S. lessors in regard to the financing of motor vehicles in Canada. It became readily apparent that not only are there significant differences in law and practice affecting Canadian and U.S. lessors, there also exists a general misunderstanding of the laws of Canada. While generally, Canadian and U.S. law and practice are similar, one area in which they are divergent is motor vehicles. This article, while far from being a complete guide, provides certain guidance as to the most significant concerns.
The Enforceability of Prepayment Premium Provisions
December 28, 2006
Lessors and lenders need to be aware of a recently issued U.S. District Court decision addressing the enforceability of a prepayment premium in a mortgage loan context. The decision in <i>River East Plaza, LLC v. The Variable Annuity Life Company</i> (Slip Copy, 2006 WL 2787483 (N. D. Ill.)) was rendered on Sept. 22, 2006, by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (Eastern Division), construing Illinois law.
Cape Town: Rail Just Around the Bend, Satellites Just over the Horizon
December 28, 2006
For the last nine months, participants in the aircraft leasing and finance industry have been dealing with the newly formed international registry for the registration of interests in aircraft and the changes in substantive law governing aircraft sale, lease, and finance transactions brought about by the ratification of the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the related Aircraft Protocol. The Convention and Aircraft Protocol were developed and are being promoted by'
The Leasing Hotline
December 28, 2006
Highlights of the latest commercial leasing cases from around the country.
Punk Rock and The Sale of Your e-Business
December 28, 2006
'Should I stay or should I go?'<br>That was the question that those classic '80s punk rockers The Clash asked in a song by the same title about a romance gone awry. That's just a song, though.<br>But, interestingly enough, that hard-driving ditty is applicable to the world of e-business: The entrepreneur contemplating the future of his or her business ' a love built of the same good times and bad, and with the same blood, sweat and tears as a real-life romance ' confronts the same dilemma when it's time to make that decision: Should he stay or should he go? How could a person not expect such perseveration? When an entrepreneur reads about the rapid rise of YouTube from startup to $1.65 billion buyout, he or she can easily forget about the many new firms that fail, and instead imagine being the personification of ' or fantasize about ' having a company that becomes the next tech-economy icon.
Beware of Phishing: How Landlords and Tenants Can Avoid the Hook
December 28, 2006
Although landlords and tenants often have different views on various topics, they share a common interest in protecting their premises against theft. Until recently, security considerations were generally limited to decisions concerning appropriate locks and the installation of stout hardware. In the new millennium, however, securing electronic entryways to premises may be of even greater importance, and it behooves landlords and tenants alike to keep abreast of developments in computer-related security breaches. In particular, landlords and tenants must be alert to a variety of identity theft threats, including phishing scams, in which they receive an e-mail from a seemingly reputable company (eg, a tenant receives an e-mail that appears to be from the landlord) that attempts to obtain personal information from the recipient when in fact the e-mail was sent by an identity thief.