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We found 2,102 results for "Law Firm Partnership & Benefits Report"...

Legal Outsourcing Looks to the Heartland
July 01, 2004
Piper Rudnick partner Karen McWilliams is not the first busy lawyer to ask an assistant to arrange a birthday party for her daughter. She may, however, be among the first to have called on an assistant more than 2000 miles away from her office in Reston, VA. "I forget they're in North Dakota," McWilliams says. "I just dial the number and they're there." <br>"They" are the outsourced office staff who work for Piper Rudnick and other law firms out of a support center operated by the CBF Group in Fargo, ND. <br>At a time when discussions of outsourcing focus on possibilities in India, companies like CBF want lawyers to remember there is a "near shore" option as well. Renee Rutter, the president of CBF, is hoping her company will find a niche somewhere between the anonymous document processing work that may go to India and the front-line secretaries whom lawyers interact with every day.
Aiding Mediation Through Objective Case Evaluation
July 01, 2004
Psychological tendencies that are at play in traditional negotiating postures greatly impede litigation settlement discussions. Following are several examples of these tendencies.
A Haven For Straight Talk: <b>Mystery Shopper</b>
July 01, 2004
At most firms, the transition to partnership requires that an attorney "buy into" the organization. The amount varies considerably, but it is often more than a year's salary. And partners almost always pay for their benefits out of pocket. And partners' draws are often wildly inconsistent from month to month. The eventual financial rewards of partnership can be huge, but the first couple years aren't easy. <br>And what do law firms do to prepare associates for partnership? If the three stories above are any indication, partners terrify associates, lead them to believe that marketing is a sign of corporate weakness and fail to educate them on the basics of firm finance. All that in preparation for the day when they'll be asked to "buy into" the partnership. If you're asking somebody to buy something, they're a customer. And firms should treat associates like customers from the day they begin interviewing until the day they make partner.
The Experience Gap
July 01, 2004
As the economy improves and deals begin to flow into Silicon Valley anew, firms are again relying on mid-level corporate associates to do a lot of the work. Trouble is, 3 years of deal drought have left many of those associates short on the experience necessary to handle the tasks.
Around the Firms: <b>Clifford Chance Closes Two West Coast Offices </b>
July 01, 2004
British legal giant Clifford Chance is closing its offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles after the defection of several partners to San Francisco-based Orrick, Herrington &amp; Sutcliffe.
An Alternative Fee <i>Meal</i>odrama
July 01, 2004
A witty, punny tale with a moral ' partners and general counsel are after the same thing: Quality legal work at lower cost, with profitability (and a good meal).
FMLA Exceeding Intentions Of Congress
July 01, 2004
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), signed into law by President Clinton in 1993, was designed to balance the demands of the workplace with the personal and economic needs of families and to promote the national interest by preserving the stability of families. <br>However, in the 11 years since the FMLA was enacted, evolving results from U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) regulations, court decisions, fluid medical guidelines and a changing workplace have created impediments to an employer's ability to operate its business reasonably-in ways that Congress did not intend.
Plan Now, Or Pay Later
July 01, 2004
Week after week, month after month, warnings flood e-commerce, and brick-and-mortar enterprises, about the technology we all have come to depend on at home and at work. New threats from viruses, hackers or just bug-filled software make the cliche, "Can't live with it, can't live without it" an increasingly accurate descriptor of our high-tech world. <br>But could we really live for long without our computers? Instead, long before anyone worried about the virus of the day, businesses planned against disaster to avoid any type of disruption to the many devices we rely on.
Rogue Online Drugstores
June 29, 2004
Widespread use of the Internet is barely a decade old, and already its use and abuse have increased dramatically. While the Web provides companies with new outlets for their products, it also provides a larger outlet for rogue entities to harm the consumer and damage manufacturers' reputations. Indeed, the Internet has created an opportunity for a whole new class of fraudulent activity, with rampant identity theft the best known. In the context of drug outlets, if a purchaser buys his or her prescription from a "rogue" pharmaceutical site, that consumer may be buying expired, substandard, contaminated, counterfeited and, in some cases, unsafe products. The lack of medical oversight, which can result in administration of incorrect dosages, wrong or contra-indicated drugs, or medication without adequate directions for use are among the concerns to be addressed as we enter this new world of Internet pharmacies. Part One of a Two-Part Article.
What Constitutes a 'Security'?
June 22, 2004
The definition of what constitutes a "security" has broadened and changed dramatically over the years under both case and statutory law. Attorneys concentrating in securities law (whether by virtue of litigation or transactional work), as well as governmental and self-regulatory organizations, ranging from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) to various exchanges, have been dealing with the increasingly complex question of what constitutes a "security." This question is often posed to resolve particular claims in specialized venues, testing the acumen of even the most sophisticated securities practitioners and industry members. This two-part article describes the transfer process and offers sample forms as examples.