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Rapid Innovation Is Scary, But Necessary for Law Firm Leaders
July 01, 2021
To achieve the seemingly insurmountable task of preparing leaders to shepherd firms in the post-pandemic world demands an approach similar to what enabled society to create the COVID vaccine in record time: a unique set of circumstances, dedicated focus and sufficient resources.
Second Circuit May Address SEC's 'Tolling Agreements' Tool
July 01, 2021
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit signaled last month that it may fully address, for the first time, the question of whether a decades-old change to federal law rendered a commonly used tool for extending U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigations unenforceable in federal court.
Bit Parts
July 01, 2021
Mixed Ruling in Police Officer's Lawsuit Over Depiction in Netflix Documentary New York Court Rules Music Plaintiffs Failed To Establish Vimeo's "Red Flag" Knowledge Third Circuit Rejects Agency Law Principles in Deciding Work-for-Hire Issue in Termination Rights Dispute Over Game of Life Board Game
IP News
July 01, 2021
Federal Circuit Rejects Theory of Infringement Based on Oversimplified Claim Interpretation and Finds That the ITC Correctly Required Proof of Substantial Non-infringing Use Based on Real-World Evidence Federal Circuit Reverses District Court's Decision Dismissing a Declaratory Judgment Action for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction Because the Patent Owner Directed Extensive Communications to the Judicial District
Managing and Preserving Zoom Data
July 01, 2021
With business conversations extending across video, audio, transcripts and chat, it will not be long before we see Zoom data appearing as evidence in court. Legal teams and CIOs need to think about how to preserve Zoom data proactively for litigation case assessments, discovery, and holds, as well as investigations and regulatory actions.
National Security Implications of the Colonial Pipeline Hack
June 01, 2021
It is difficult to think of a comparable cyber event to the one that effectively shut down the fuel pipeline that feeds over a third of the United States. We are in the midst of a national cyber crisis, and while we may have a blueprint for the resolution of these other crises, things must urgently change on the cybersecurity front.
Where Is the Consumer In Consumer Privacy Legislation?
June 01, 2021
In the past four months of 2021, the amount of state legislative activity around consumer data privacy laws has been frantic, by state legislatures standards. So much so, it is not easy to discern the cause for all this effort.
Attorney Competence in Technology Is in the Spotlight. Are You Competent?
June 01, 2021
In response to widespread changes in the use of technology, and evaluating the potential risks of remote work and the rise of virtual meeting platforms, on March 10, 2021, the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility issued Formal Opinion 498 making it clear that the Model Rules of Professional Conduct permit lawyers to conduct their practices virtually, but urges caution at all times:
Closing the Information Security Gaps In the New Operational Model
June 01, 2021
In 2020, law firms did what they had to do to continue serving their clients. Information governance may have been sacrificed in the face of an urgent, global crisis. As understandable as that is, it's time now to step back and assess best practices for the new operational model that is here to stay.
Mastery of Information: How to Successfully Manage Ungoverned Data for Risk Mitigation
June 01, 2021
Companies are collecting and managing more data than ever, essentially in order to create value, thus in effect making every company a "data" company. But for data to provide value, organizations need to know where it is, who has access to it, how it's managed, including its longevity value, and how it needs to be secured and protected.