Optimizing Retirement Plans for Law Firms
January 01, 2004
Part One of this article compared some hybrid retirement plans (combinations of defined contribution and defined benefit plans) that are potentially desirable for law firms. In Part Two, we provide spreadsheet analyses to illustrate the benefits of these plans and to reconcile them with nondiscrimination criteria of the Internal Revenue Code and of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
A Records Retention Policy in the Electronic Era
January 01, 2004
Every company should have a records retention policy. Due to increased use of e-mail, this policy must address the changing business world by including a clear directive on the retention and destruction of electronic records. (Companies tend to use the term "document retention policy." However, due to the proliferation of e-mail and other electronic data, "records retention policy" is more appropriate.) Most importantly, the policy must provide a directive that ensures that, when the threat of litigation arises, whether civil or criminal, all relevant documents are preserved.
What Lies Beneath: Technology That Supports Effective Compliance
January 01, 2004
Much has been written about the reporting requirements mandated by federal laws such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the Act), the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act enacted in 1999 (GLBA), but less has been said about the technology that underlies successful efforts to comply. What is clear is that enterprise software and integrated records management are the only viable ways to meet these requirements. The software selected must take into account both changes in these requirements, and the prospect of future state and federal retention and reporting requirements. Since software doesn't exist in a vacuum, hardware and network considerations must be part of the overall system strategy. Law firms with corporate clients and corporate counsel need to be involved in the planning and implementation of such a system.
Forfeiture Provision of Voluntary Stock Not Illegal
January 01, 2004
New York's highest court has issued an important decision interpreting Section 193 of the New York Labor Law, which prohibits employers from making deductions from an employee's wages except in limited circumstances.
Sarbanes-Oxley Litigation Trap?
January 01, 2004
In-house counsel focused on complying with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act should be wary of falling into a trap that could increase the business risks and liability exposure of their company and its executives.
Recent Developments in Executive Compensation
January 01, 2004
Although executive compensation has been the subject of evolving reform for several years, the bright spotlight of public attention is now focused on this issue, due in part to the bursting of the stock market bubble, the collapse of Enron, and a number of other highly publicized corporate scandals. The image of executives enjoying excessive compensation packages as revenues and earnings decline, and stock values of the companies they manage plummet, is a dangerously common stereotype.
Topical Research: Your Input Sought
December 22, 2003
For possible future articles, I'd like to gather reader input on a number of topics; here are two. Please be in touch if you or an interested colleague would be a good research contact for either topic. (If you have authoritative knowledge and would like to write on the topic, better yet!)
Optimizing Retirement Plans for Law Firms
December 01, 2003
Recent changes in the legislative and regulatory climate have made it possible and desirable to consider optimizing retirement plan contributions by combining defined benefit and defined contribution plans. But while combination plans can produce superior benefits, their designers must ensure that plans do not violate: the Internal Revenue Code rule that a plan qualified for favorable tax treatment must avoid discriminating in favor of highly compensated employees; or the requirement in the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) that pension plans must not discriminate against employees on the basis of age. In Part One of this article, we introduce and compare some of these possibilities.
Containing Health Insurance Cost Increases
December 01, 2003
There's no relief in sight from rising health-care costs. Hewitt Associates, of Lincolnshire, IL, projects that health care costs will increase 15.4% this year, following an average rate hike last year of 13.7%. If this trend continues, Hewitt estimates, health coverage cost will double over the next 5 years. Law firms coast-to-coast therefore continue to search for their own magic bullets. While doing so, however, they're being careful not to shoot themselves in the foot. Firms see a strong benefits package as critical to retaining and recruiting employees, and therefore take a largely conservative approach to managing health-care costs - trying to maintain generous levels of coverage while minimizing the financial blow to employees.