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Government Policies Could Be Concern for Commercial Real Estate Lenders
June 01, 2021
Significant concerns aren't necessarily issues caused by real estate lending, borrowing or underwriting. They're caused by government policy.
Update on Business Bankruptcy Legal Fees and Professionalism
June 01, 2021
A review of recent cases shows that poor billing judgment and unreasonable billing have been with us for decades.
TikTok Dances Around Another Copyright Infringement Suit
June 01, 2021
The Texas lawsuit alleged that the social video app and parent company ByteDance Ltd. copied software code, and deleted or altered copyright management information in the code, and then used the code in the app that has 175 million downloads.
Bit Parts
June 01, 2021
Don Everly Prevails Over Late Brother Phil's Family Following Trial on Authorship of Everly Brothers' 1960 Hit "Cathy's Clown" Split Decision on Secondary Liability Claims Against Harry Fox Agency in Music Licensing Lawsuit Over Spotify Streaming of Eminem Compositions
Preserving the Privilege In the Corporate Setting
June 01, 2021
Assessing the risks and liabilities of a potential transaction requires frank and open communication between the parties, including legal counsel. Understanding the scope and limitations of this privilege in transactional settings and who "holds" it is vital to its preservation.
Spring Forward: Three Insights from Women Who Win in Business Development
June 01, 2021
While the mastery of business development fundamentals applies to all lawyers, women business developers possess unique characteristics and face unique challenges in comparison to their male counterparts.
Negotiating with Small Office Tenants on Pandemic Issues
June 01, 2021
Small businesses make up the backbone of the commercial office sector. Until recently, by virtue of their small size, they had little sway with landlords when it came to renegotiating or negotiating a lease. Then the pandemic happened.
How to Motivate Attorneys to Be Successful Rainmakers
June 01, 2021
How to motivate attorneys to do rainmaking activities has become a critical question during the pandemic because the usual avenue that the predominance of attorneys used to build books of business of in-person networking had been eliminated for almost 15 months.
When Does Content of a Debtor's Bar Date Notice Satisfy Due Process?
June 01, 2021
The Third Circuit recently examined whether the content of a debtor's bar date notice satisfied due process, so as to discharge unknown litigation creditors' claims against the company after confirmation of the debtor's Chapter 11 plan of reorganization.
IP News
June 01, 2021
Federal Circuit Invalidates Parts of VoIP Patent