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Developments In Student Athletes' Publicity Rights
April 01, 2021
The rights of college student-athletes to receive compensation for the use of their "name, image and likeness" (NIL) are finally being addressed. As…
Five Critical Elements of Business Development Success
April 01, 2021
While acquiring the skills necessary to develop business is certainly a life-long journey, here are five critical elements to consider from the outset.
Corporate ESG Integration Not Optional
April 01, 2021
Corporate ESG (environmental, social and governance) integration is becoming less optional every day, driven by increasing regulation, investor demand and the recent embrace of stakeholder capitalism.
Competitive Intelligence: How Do You Listen When You're Not In the Room?
April 01, 2021
Although we understood how important in-person listening was before the pandemic, the background listening was something we used to take for granted. Here are five ways to practice active listening and remain engaged when we can't be in a physical environment.
Building Successful Partnerships Requires Collaboration
April 01, 2021
Partnerships are relationships, ideally relationships built on trust and a common goal. Successful partnerships require all parties working together — working together to service a client fully, generate revenue and to build a business. This requires openness and coordination.
California Privacy Protection Agency Roster Set
April 01, 2021
California named five members to the inaugural board of the California Privacy Protection Agency, a new entity created by voters in 2020 that will enforce the state's sweeping consumer privacy laws.
Landlords Could See Courts Sympathetic to Tenants In Eviction Lawsuits
April 01, 2021
While residential cases will grab the headlines, commercial property owners, managers and their attorneys should know that financially troubled tenants will be making news of their own. Armed with the hope of keeping their business afloat, they will unveil, or expand on, defenses to mitigate the pandemic's financial impact and to save their leases.
Congress Leaves SEC Subject to Litigation Over Disgorgement
April 01, 2021
Buried in the massive National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 is §6501, a provision authorizing the SEC to seek disgorgement of unjust enrichment within 10 years for certain securities law violations, and five years for others.
Synergizing Patents to Drive Innovation and Growth
April 01, 2021
As intellectual property continues to influence business operations, more companies are considering defensive patent pools as a strategic measure to guard against threats that can stifle innovation and growth for both businesses and industries.
Asserting the Common Interest Doctrine In Plan-Related Discovery
April 01, 2021
The common interest doctrine can be a powerful tool when used to block discovery of relevant and sometimes critical evidence. However, a determination of when it can be invoked requires a highly fact-intensive analysis.