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Legal Tech: The Ethics of E-Discovery In a Remote Work Environment
April 01, 2021
Just as the pandemic has challenged every aspect of our lives, the shift to a remote work environment has significantly impacted e-discovery and the ethical obligations of attorneys in this ever-evolving technological and legal landscape.
IP News
April 01, 2021
On March 12, the Federal Circuit granted Janssen Pharmaceutica's motion to dismiss Mylan Laboratories' appeal and denied Mylan's request for mandamus relief, holding that it lacked jurisdiction to hear Mylan's appeal.
Can Parties Stipulate As to Whether An Apartment Is Rent-Stabilized?
March 01, 2021
Legal disputes as to the rent regulated status of an apartment are as old as rent regulation itself. On occasion, landlords and tenants have purported to "agree" in a lease or stipulation as to whether a unit is regulated. This article surveys case law as to how courts treat such agreements.
Real Property Law
March 01, 2021
Owner Entitled to Cancellation of Notice of Pendency Upon Posting of Bond Mortgage Enjoys Priority Over Homeowners Association Lien for Common Charges Bona Fide Purchasers Protected When They Had No Notice of Alleged Fraud Failure to Inspect Premises Precludes Purchasers' Claim for Fraud Broker Conflicts of Interest Did Not Constitute Breach of Contract or Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Co-ops and Condominiums
March 01, 2021
Sponsor Liable for Fraudulent Conveyance to Related Entities President of Unincorporated Condominium Association Not Entitled to Indemnification Legal Malpractice Claim Dismissed Use of Commercial Unit Did Not Violate Zoning Regulations or Condominium Bylaws
March 01, 2021
Village Lacked Power to Obligate Village Board to Enact Zoning Amendments Landowner Entitled to Certificate Confirming Pre-Existing Nonconforming Use Neighbor's Challenge to Approval of A Building Permit Dismissed As Untimely
Business Development: When the Road Is Bending
March 01, 2021
2020 and 2021 have not just been bends in your business development road — it has been more like the road has been placed on top of a roller coaster where you cannot see what the next curve holds.
A Unique Solution to COVID-19-Related Delays At the U.S. International Trade Commission
March 01, 2021
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ITC was forced to suspend in-person hearings and halt its fast-paced schedules while it explored existing technological resources and reliable and secure options available for video conferencing that would protect parties' confidential business information (CBI).
Litigation Over Tom Clancy Works Involves Fundamental, But Complex Copyright Elements
March 01, 2021
Current copyright litigation in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland involving Clancy's widow Alexandra and his former wife Wanda King is complex, but involves fundamental issues of copyright ownership.
Patent Litigation Growth In 2020 Points to Sustained Activity In 2021
March 01, 2021
Despite the recession — or partly as a result of it — 2020 was also a year of growth for patent litigation in the United States. This article provides a look back at patent litigation filing statistics in recent years across district courts in the United States, with an eye toward current trends that in all likelihood will continue deep into 2021.