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Depositions and Legal Proceedings in the Remote World: What Attorneys Need to Know About Security and Best Practices
March 01, 2021
Now that depositions and other legal proceedings are now virtual, remote exercises in most cases. It doesn't mean, however, that the rules have relaxed. If anything, it's more important than ever to follow best practices and pay attention to security.
Winter 2021 Privacy Alert Roundup
March 01, 2021
In this Privacy Alert Roundup, we'll take a look at Virginia's new proposed data protection law, a new proposed federal banking rule regarding cybersecurity incidents, and how lackadaisical vendor risk management can come back to bite you in court.
Utilizing Accountability Partners to Build Business
March 01, 2021
Attorneys can utilize accountability partners to fuel the advances one truly wants to make in their efforts to build books of business.
Scorecards and Client Book Due Diligence Can Improve Lateral Hiring Performance
March 01, 2021
The lateral partner challenge is, essentially, a vetting challenge. And yet, few law firms take a strategic approach to vetting and hiring laterals.
Can Landlords and Tenants Stipulate to Rent Regulation?
March 01, 2021
Legal disputes as to the rent regulated status of an apartment are as old as rent regulation itself. On occasion, landlords and tenants have purported to "agree" in a lease or stipulation as to whether a unit is regulated. This article surveys case law as to how courts treat such agreements.
Telehealth Enforcement: Is It the Next Big Thing?
March 01, 2021
With the start of the Biden administration and a DOJ very likely led by Merrick Garland, predictions have begun about future trends in government enforcement. Two pieces of conventional wisdom emerge: First, the focus will shift to more white-collar crime enforcement actions. And second, the healthcare industry will continue to be a major focus for investigators and prosecutors.
Pandemic Drives Law Firms and Clients to Common Ground on Pricing
March 01, 2021
The current circumstances are giving rise to conversations about pricing, and driving both sides of the law firm-client relationship to seek common ground — both in the form of tried-and-true alternative fee arrangements and those that reflect a more innovative approach.
Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement Update
March 01, 2021
Over the last decade or so, anti-money laundering (AML), counter-terrorism financing (CFT), and sanctions compliance have been the subject of increased enforcement efforts. We expect this trend to accelerate in 2021 and beyond, propelled at least in part by the recent enactment of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020.
Marketing Analytics: More Is Not Always Best
March 01, 2021
In the past few decades, law firms have made great strides in catching up with the rest of the corporate world and are reaping the benefits of all kinds of marketing. This acceptance by firm management is in great part due to an increased appreciation of analytics, made possible by digital marketing and social media.
Legal Tech: Winter 2021 E-Discovery Case Law Review
March 01, 2021
In this winter e-discovery case law review, we'll cover three cases that might have turned out differently had counsel supervised e-discovery activities more adequately.