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Congress Expands SEC Powers Just In Time for New Administration
March 01, 2021
Wall Street has greeted Gary Gensler's nomination as Chair of the SEC with some trepidation, perhaps with good reason. Congress, by contrast, may have presented him with a powerful signing bonus.
What ALM Reporters and Editors Expect from Law Firms and PR Pros In 2021: Part II
March 01, 2021
At the end of 2020, I had the opportunity to interview seven members of the ALM Media editorial staff. This is Part II of a series of questions.
Global Increase of FCPA Bribery Cases Raises Specter of Piling On
March 01, 2021
The increasing number of regulators and enforcement agencies bringing foreign bribery cases across the globe raises the specter of successive or "carbon copy" cases. Policymakers and practitioners need to be aware of this developing risk and take steps to mitigate it.
Law Firms Looking to Retail Space and Other Office Alternatives Post-Pandemic
March 01, 2021
The prospect of using retail space for law offices is the latest adaptation, in addition to innovations such as hoteling and other forms of shared workspace, that may define law firm offices in the future as the COVID-19 pandemic makes a permanent mark on how firms configure and run their offices.
Consumer Bankruptcies In 2021 Can Benefit Both Client and Practitioner
March 01, 2021
As in past times of economic turmoil, it is anticipated that there will be a surge in residential foreclosures, debt collection activity, and the resultant wave of consumer bankruptcy filings.
NY Proposed Privacy Bill of Rights Could Add to Compliance Confusion
March 01, 2021
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's executive budget proposal includes plans for a comprehensive data privacy law that rather than bring more clarity to an increasingly fragmented U.S. privacy landscape, could place even more strain on corporate legal departments attempting to get a handle on compliance.
IP News
March 01, 2021
Federal Circuit: Texas Court Abused Its Discretion By Delaying On Venue Transfer Motion While Proceeding With the Merits of the Case Federal Circuit: PTAB Violates the APA When It Sua Sponte Adopts a New Claim Construction to Support New Theory of Invalidity for First Time
Open Space Accessibility and the Conundrum of High Stakes Zoning Disputes
February 01, 2021
The New York Court of Appeals' recent decision in Peyton v. BSA held, in the context of a zoning lot containing several residential buildings, that the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York does not require an area to be accessible to all residents of the zoning lot for the area to qualify as "open space."
Real Property Law
February 01, 2021
Neighbors Lack Sufficient Interest to Intervene In Modification of Restriction on Land Held for Charitable Purposes Absence of Property Description Did Not Preclude Equitable Mortgage City Entitled to Cancel Contract With Delinquent Former Owner When Owner Failed to Appear At Closing Statute of Limitations Does Not Bar Continuing Nuisance Claim Against Drilling Contractor
Landlord & Tenant Law
February 01, 2021
Guaranty Did Not Extend Past Lease Term Holdover Rent Award Reduced Tenant Is Entitled to Yellowstone Injunction Despite Failure to Attempt to Cure