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Finally, A Way to Really Recognize Your Paper!
July 02, 2004
As any attorney or support staff personnel will tell you, since the advent of affordable scanners and scanning devices, it has become a necessary evil to scan documents in the law office. The problem has always been the OCR'ing (optical character recognition) of those docs! For several years and many iterations and generations, the OCR programs have left a lot to be desired and have helped us to pull out what little hair we have left trying to capture our documents. <br>I have never been too impressed with the several OCR programs that have been available to the legal profession. That is to say not until now. I have finally found what I believe to be the easiest to use, yet the best for recognition OCR program in the marketplace.
<b>Product Review</b>Attenex Patterns E-Discovery Platform
July 02, 2004
What sets it apart is that Patterns uses the results of concept analysis to organize a set of documents into a structured visual snapshot of the documents and how they relate to one another.
Where Do We Go From Here?
July 02, 2004
The increasingly familiar category of "Matter Management" is a niche area in the world of legal technology that has attracted more interest from in-house legal departments and their outside law firms in recent years. It's a category with humble beginnings and dynamic changes ' both in terms of the companies that develop the software and in terms of the features enjoyed by the users. <br>This article takes a brief look at the origins and evolution of matter management technology, and then offer a provocative assessment of what the future holds. Ultimately, it challenges members of the legal technology community to think about what will become more important: fancy technology or software that's easy to use?
<b>Practice Tip</b> Stop Your e-Mail Risk ' Now!
July 02, 2004
What is the common denominator connecting you, your firm, clients, and most of us on the planet today? e-Mail. Today, your practice depends on this technology…
Electronic Filing: Is Your Firm Prepared?
July 02, 2004
As increasing numbers of law firms realize the benefits of electronic filing. And as more and more courts encourage ' and in many cases mandate ' its use ' law firms are moving quickly to adopt practices in order to prepare for ' and take full advantage of ' the e-filing revolution.
e-Discovery and Computer Forensics Docket Sheet
July 01, 2004
Recent court rulings in e-discovery and computer forensics.
Is Your e-Discovery Provider Asking The Right Questions?
July 01, 2004
As most attorneys practicing in these days of high-tech tools and media-savvy clients know, electronic discovery can be a complex process, even for the experienced practitioner ' an undertaking fraught with variables, each of which singly, and certainly in legion, could change demands and expectations. Those changes, when they occur ' and it's invariably a matter of when, not if ' can confound parties to the e-discovery process, particularly when important information is missing.
Legal Defensibility of e-Signatures Tested In Simulated Trial
July 01, 2004
On June 17, the law firm of Lord, Bissell &amp; Brook LLP, along with electronic-signature firm DocuSign Inc. and sponsors, staged a 2-hour mock trial to demonstrate the unique issues that a challenge to electronically signed documents presents.
Are Instant Messages Discoverable?
July 01, 2004
The popularity of IM has grown explosively, especially among young users. Initially perceived, inside and outside of corporations, as a frivolous time waster ' a way for teens to dish gossip with their friends or a substitute for employee water-cooler conversations about the Friends finale ' IM is being embraced by corporate workers nationwide. It is now increasingly common for employees to use IM to conduct business that previously was conducted over the phone. Consider, for example, the possibility of using IM as a free alternative to long distance ' particularly international ' phone calls. It allows friends and colleagues to chat and multitask during meetings or while doing other things. Many workers have recognized the benefits of this new communication medium and adapted their business practices to take advantage of it.
10 Reasons Why Delaware is the Leading Formation State
July 01, 2004
Delaware, with over 500,000 domestic corporations, LLCs and other entities ' including more than 50% of the country's publicly traded corporations and 58% of the Fortune 500 ' is without question the leading formation state in the country. According to the "Delaware's Business Entity Laws" seminar currently running as part of CT Corporation's 2004 seminar series, there are numerous reasons why business owners, managers and lawyers choose Delaware.