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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: How to Embrace Virtual Seminars in 5 Easy Steps
January 01, 2021
In 2021 everyone in the legal field has a virtual platform, so firms of all sizes can jump in and offer webinars on topics that highlight their firms' practice areas. Create your own virtual programs by following these 5 steps.
The Small Business Reorganization Act: How It Started. How it's Going. Where to Next?
January 01, 2021
By further expanding access to a streamlined Chapter 11 process, the SBRA will ensure that a wider array of debtors have the ability of reorganizing themselves, when Chapter 11 was previously too cost-prohibitive for such debtors.
Legal Issues and Monetization Strategies In a Quarantine-Streaming Music World
January 01, 2021
Part One of a Two Part Article While the livestreaming of music performances is not an entirely new phenomenon, the COVID crisis has transformed the live performance landscape, compelling artists from around the world to reach their fanbase by producing "quarantine streams," in which they livestream their sets on social media platforms. Unsurprisingly many questions have arisen.
Not-So-Incidental Byproducts of 'Kelly'
January 01, 2021
Early returns are in, and they indicate that the Supreme Court's decision in the so-called "Bridgegate" case will be an effective tool for pruning the wild overgrowth that has built up around the federal fraud statutes.
January 01, 2021
Use Variance Not Necessary for Use of Home As AirBnB Rental Merger of Back-to-Back Lots
State High Court Preserves Lenders' Tort Claims Against Debtors' Insiders
January 01, 2021
A lender's state law tort claims against "non-debtor third-parties for tortious interference with a contract" were "not preempted" by "federal bankruptcy law," held the New York Court of Appeals.
COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE: Powering Nonprofits With Research
January 01, 2021
In a time when many of us are searching for ways to help support others, could we use our research super powers to support nonprofit organizations in their philanthropic work? I think Yes!
Looking Ahead to Avoid Spoliation Sanctions
January 01, 2021
A recent Federal Circuit decision denying a petition for a writ of mandamus should serve as a cautionary tale and reminder for corporate entities regarding the critical importance of preserving documentary evidence in a timely and appropriate manner.
Late Year Collections Could Make or Break 2020 Profitability
January 01, 2021
Success in 2020 is likely to come down to who your clients are. If they were hit hard by the pandemic that will trickle down to their vendors, including law firms. But for others, the top line could come out nearly unscathed.
Extra-Judicial Evictions of Commercial Tenants During COVID-19
January 01, 2021
This article addresses and updates the law on the self-help remedy that enables commercial landlords to regain possession of leased premises from tenants in material breach of one or more lease covenants.