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MARKETING TECH: Leveraging Data to Drive Innovation in A Post-Pandemic (We Hope) World
January 01, 2021
With a new year and fresh outlook for the future, the time is ripe for legal technologists and innovators to take the delivery of legal services and client experience to the next level. One key is recognizing that successful innovation — be it turning best practices into standard operating procedures, or reinventing the law firm business model altogether — is equal parts mindset, method and message.
Is Accountant Malpractice Compensation Taxable?
January 01, 2021
If a taxpayer suffers a loss by reason of errors made by a tax advisor, and the tax advisor makes a payment to compensate the taxpayer for the loss. May the payment be excluded from the taxpayer's income subject to tax?
Real Property Law
January 01, 2021
Stranger to the Deed Rule Does Not Bar Easement Claim Misconduct By Mortgagor's Lawyer Voids Foreclosure Sale Permissive Exclusive Use of Common Driveway Does Not Extinguish Easement Bidder At Tax Foreclosure Sale Forfeits Deposit Upon Default
USPTO Sets Precedent on Collective Patent Defense Groups with RPX Ruling
January 01, 2021
It took two years and a last-minute substitution of judges for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to rule that RPX Corp. was too close to a dues-paying member to bring a patent validity challenge.
2020 Provides Roadmap for Success in 2021
January 01, 2021
If commercial real estate is going to have a successful 2021, it will require the ability to seek out unexpected advantages.
A Look at the EU's Latest Proposal for Regulating Online Content
January 01, 2021
The DSA is intended to reset the rules around online content moderation and to reframe the responsibility of platforms for illegal content uploaded to their websites.
Implications of Transfer of Attorney-Client Privilege In Bankruptcy Cases
January 01, 2021
One of the most misunderstood areas of law for non-bankruptcy and bankruptcy attorneys alike is the attorney-client privilege, including the scope of the privilege, who holds it, and when and by whom it can be waived. As is often the case, in bankruptcy, additional complexities arise.
Second Circuit Ruling on Personal Benefit Test Widens Scope of Criminal Insider Trading
January 01, 2021
The holding in Blaszczak significantly widens the scope of criminal insider trading. It also creates the anomaly of extending the criminal law beyond the SEC's civil enforcement authority.
COVID-19 Forcing Firms to Keep Work In-House
January 01, 2021
Legal departments have been reducing outside counsel spending amid the COVID-19 pandemic and keeping more work in-house, where the demand for specialists and legal operations managers continues to grow, according to a new report.
IP News
January 01, 2021
Federal Circuit: Post-Employment Assignment Clause Void Under California Law Federal Circuit No New Trial for Improper "Pennies on the Dollar" Rhetoric