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Professional Development: Three Essential Muscles Law Marketers Must Flex While the COVID-19 Crisis Continues
November 01, 2020
During times of uncertainty lawyers can hunker down and wait it out, hoping that an opportunity to reengage with clients will present itself. Or they can lean into their discomfort and suspend their self-interest, meeting clients where they are even when there may be no immediate billable work or new business to be had. The latter approach creates a meaningful opportunity for lawyers to deepen relationships and set themselves apart from the pack.
Floor Area Bonuses Allowed for Mixed-Used Properties Under the Philadelphia Zoning Code
November 01, 2020
Part Two In a Series In this part of the series on "zoning" bonuses in the city of Philadelphia, we explore Floor Area Bonuses provided under the Mixed Incoming Housing, Green Building, and Underground Accessory Parking & Loading Bonuses.
Commercial Real Estate Lenders Face Remedy or Relief Decision In COVID-19
November 01, 2020
Lenders in default scenarios face a choice of whether to exercise remedies and take over their collateral, or offer relief measures to their borrowers, either in the form of short-term forbearance or a permanent loan modification.
Competitive Intelligence: Back to Basics In Times of Uncertainty
November 01, 2020
One of the keys to success in competitive intelligence is communication. Effective communication builds rapport with your clients, which, in turn, builds trust and instills confidence that you will be able to get what they need to achieve their goals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these elements of trust and rapport have never been more important. In times of stress, there is no time, and it's harder, to build trust and instill confidence.
To Embed, or Not to Embed, that is the Question
November 01, 2020
Would Shakespeare Post Hamlet on Instagram in 2020? Recent legal and procedural developments associated with the ubiquitous Instagram social media site have created significant practical and legal risks for both copyright owners and account holders.
Privacy Issues of Contact Tracing
November 01, 2020
Companies considering whether to suggest, or even to require, contact tracing for employees or others must consider a host of legal issues, including privacy. This article describes contact tracing, focusing on how technology has made it a more powerful weapon against viruses and diseases than ever before.
Judge's Ruling in Epic Games/Apple App Store Battle
November 01, 2020
Entertainment consumer icon Fortnite's pathway back to the App Store is in the hands of the video game developer, a California federal judge decided in the closely watched legal battle over the distribution of app content.
No 'Fishing' In Trump Tax Return Case
November 01, 2020
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." Judge Victor Marrero, writing in a decision dismissing the President's civil suit under the Civil Rights Act, neither gives a fish, nor teaches how to fish — rather he explains what fishing is.
Time Is Running Out On Restructuring Under New Subchapter V
November 01, 2020
The clock is ticking for small businesses to take advantage of a new way to restructure under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. New Subchapter V — part of the CARES Act — is set to expire early next year.
Facial Challenge to HSTPA Rejected
November 01, 2020
In Community Housing Improvement Program v. City of New York, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York confronted the most recent challenge to the constitutionality of New York's Rent Stabilization Law. The court rejected all facial challenges to the statute, but allowed some as-applied challenges to proceed at least to the summary judgment stage.