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Book ReviewLegal Fees: An Incisive New Guide for Lawyers and Clients
September 25, 2003
J.W. Toothman and W.G. Ross, <i>Legal Fees: Law and Management</i>. Carolina Academic Press, April 2003, 350 pp. plus appendix, cloth, ISBN 0-89089-068-4, $85.00.
Law Firm SurveysPart One: The Major Surveys Compared
September 25, 2003
This three-part article will summarize that discussion. Part One is a general overview and comparison of the major surveys currently available for U.S. law firms. Part Two will advise further on how to select a survey, and Part Three will explain how to get the most out of survey participation.
Partner Capital: Why Firms Need More in 2003
September 25, 2003
Most law firm partners react skeptically to the suggestion that their capital contributions should go up in 2003. After all, with the cost of borrowing at its lowest level in over 40 years, why should partners invest more capital in the firm, thereby delaying or reducing personal cash flow? Nevertheless, even well managed firms are now likely to need more partner-contributed capital than they did just a few years ago.
Tax Cuts for Law Firms
September 25, 2003
With the compromise-laden Federal tax cut now law, what if any are the implications for law firms? Members of this newsletter's Editorial Board and several other recent contributors were asked to address that question.
The Bankruptcy Hotline
September 25, 2003
Recent rulings of importance to your practice.
Foreign Debtors in Chapter 11
September 25, 2003
Last month's article concluded with 'Surviving a Motion to Dismiss or Suspend,' which discussed the exact boundaries of international comity, and explained that these boundaries are not clear. Therefore, a court's decision on a motion to dismiss or suspend a non-U.S. debtor's bankruptcy case under section 305(a)(2) (which invokes the 304(c) factors) will depend heavily on the case's specific facts.
Test Your Expertise ' DIP Financing
September 25, 2003
For the reader who has been involved in more debtor-in-possession(DIP) financings than he or she can remember, please treat this article as the opportunity to impress yourself with just how much you know about it. Check off each category if you can truthfully say 'I knew that!' A sum of eight or more checks makes you a big dipper.
In the Courts
September 24, 2003
Analyses of the latest rulings of importance to your practice.
Business Crimes Hotline
September 24, 2003
Cases of importance to your practice.
Proactive Fraud Prevention
September 24, 2003
<b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</i></b> Way back in the 80s, companies in the U.S. Defense industry determined that it was in their best interests to band together and develop the Defense Industry Initiatives as a method of policing themselves during a time when their industry was fraught with fraud and corruption. As an aftermath, ethics and compliance programs have been developed and implemented by the majority of U.S. companies. To further entice companies to establish an effective and proactive program designed to detect and, to the extent possible, prevent violations of law The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations, passed in late 1991, rewards these companies with relief when sentenced for violations of law.