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A Lease, or Not a Lease: That Is the Question
August 26, 2003
At its May 15, 2003 meeting, the Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) came to a consensus on Issue No. 01-8, 'When an Arrangement Contains a Lease,' ending almost two years of deliberations on the issue. As the name implies, the purpose of Issue 01-8 is to provide guidance to accountants to assist them in identifying when an arrangement, including one containing multiple elements, is a lease. Determining when an arrangement is (or includes) a lease can be a difficult and judgmental process. Although the guidance in Issue 01-8 will prove helpful to accountants in determining whether a certain population of transactions contains a lease, it will not remove the difficulty or judgment involved in determining whether a lease exists for a large number of structured transactions.
Bit Parts
August 26, 2003
Recent developments in entertainment law.
Courthouse Steps
August 26, 2003
Recently filed cases in entertainment law, straight from the steps of the Los Angeles Superior Court.
Cameo Clips
August 26, 2003
Recent cases in entertainment law.
<b><i>Decision of Note</b></i> No Credit Needed For Public Domain Materials
August 26, 2003
In a major narrowing of the Lanham Act, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that the law allows the copying of public domain material without giving credit to its source. The 8-0 ruling in <i>Dastar Corp. v. 20th Century Fox Film Corp. </i> removes Lanham Act liability from parties that repackage facts or information that originated elsewhere. It could sweep away lawsuits often filed against major studios and publishers by authors and others who claim they were given insufficient credit for their contributions.
Protecting Against Defamation Claims From Docudrama Productions
August 26, 2003
Producers are rushing to meet the public's demand for reality content. This content includes film and TV productions based on the lives of real people. But there are pitfalls in producing 'biopics' or 'docudramas.' By their very nature, concocted scenes and contrived dialogue inherent in these types of productions may give rise to liability. In fact, there have been a growing number of civil actions or claims made concerning the manner in which certain parties have been portrayed.
In the Spotlight
August 26, 2003
On June 10, 2003, the United States General Accounting Office (GAO) issued its report responding to an October 21, 2002 request from Senator Charles E. Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, for the agency to review the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG). In performing its review of the OIG (from October 2002 through May 2003), the GAO interviewed over 200 current and former OIG employees, examined thousands of pages of documents, replicated a web-based employee survey conducted by the OIG in January 2003, spoke to representatives from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and various Medicaid Fraud Control Units (MFUCUs), and interviewed three current or former inspectors general from other federal agencies.
Whistleblower Retaliation under Sarbanes-Oxley: It's a Crime!
August 26, 2003
The Congressional response to the scandals of Enron and its corporate cousins was not exactly laser-guided. Much ado already has been made about many provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (the Act), but one that has drawn little comment is its unprecedented, sweeping and criminal whistleblower law.
Bit Parts
August 26, 2003
Recent developments in entertainment law.
Clause & Effect
August 26, 2003
If a TV network makes a non-recourse loan to a production company to produce a TV series, could the production company nevertheless be required to pay back the loan? Assume that the agreement with the network provides for a license fee to the production company as well as a loan for production costs that exceed the license fee, and that the loan will be repaid only from the series' net profits. What happens if the series is never syndicated and thus earns no net profits?