New Approaches to Outsourced Labor
May 01, 2022
Employees are the lifeblood of an organization. Companies, including law firms, are rightfully attempting to navigate what the past two years have meant to the labor force and make sense of the changes to the landscape so that they can successfully manage their businesses. Included in this mix are outsourcing service providers.
The Biden Administration's 2023 Budget: Déjà Vu All Over Again
May 01, 2022
The Treasury's Greenbook commenting and explaining budget recommendations for FY 2023 raises warnings of tax increases. But what are the odds Congress passes anything before the midterm elections this November? This article presents a summary of the proposed tax increases and the likelihood of these provisions being enacted into law.
Law Firms Reviewing Contracts to Battle Inflation
May 01, 2022
As inflation worsens, legal chiefs and their in-house teams are stepping up and finding ways to help their companies tamp down a vast array of price hike fires. And a significant part of that work is reviewing contracts with service providers, clients and other business partners.
The Culture Code for Law Firms
April 01, 2022
Many firms have made a valiant attempt to maintain firm culture in the brave new world in which we find ourselves. Culture is not something that is pre-destined or accidental. Rather, it is something that exists and evolves in organizations where particular skill sets are present and cultivated.
Use Business Development Content for Cross-Selling Success
April 01, 2022
If you're in that boat, or you are unsure about how to get your cross-selling efforts going, marketing and business development content, in all of its forms, is your secret weapon for cross-selling your firm's services.
What Can the Legal Industry Learn from Baseball's Labor Dispute?
April 01, 2022
Major League Baseball just resolved a contentious dispute between owners and the players union over revenue; both parties had been at odds about how to split up the pie. The challenge of splitting up the pie in law firms is going to become an increasing issue in coming years and perhaps even later in 2022 — particularly if the pie doesn't keep growing.
Ensure Financial Health Ahead of an Economic Downturn
March 01, 2022
Proper planning is key to ensuring a company's financial health when facing an economic downturn. Although companies will come into such planning with different levels of financial health, the same considerations can be helpful in determining the best path forward.
Aligning with Client Expectations
March 01, 2022
We're well into 2022, and despite the flip of the calendar, COVID is still sweeping the U.S., it feels like not much has changed. Or has it?