Getting Ready for Wide-Ranging Reach of California's Data Privacy Law
May 01, 2019
The CCPA is the first of its kind, generally applicable data protection law in the United States. What makes the CCPA unique is not only its applicability to companies like those in the entertainment and media industries, but also the rights it provides to consumers regarding their personal information (PI).
Carrot Replaces Stick: Corporate Crime Enforcement In the Trump Administration
May 01, 2019
Elections have consequences, and the election of President Trump has resulted in a significant shift in law enforcement priorities. Corporate enforcement activity is at lows not seen in decades, despite an overall increase in federal criminal cases. This is a product of a change in priorities, both in terms of types of offenses and types of offender. So, for the time being, there will be almost unprecedented opportunity to achieve favorable resolutions for corporate clients.
Hey! That's My Move!
May 01, 2019
Copyright, Fortnite and the Ability to Protect How You Shake Your Groove Thing
The U.S. Supreme Court just crashed the copyright world's latest dance party — stepping on the toes of a soiree of copyright infringement lawsuits against videogame developer Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite.
Navigating the Two Sides of Amazon's Take-Down Process
May 01, 2019
In this article, we explain how copyright, trademark and patent infringement issues unfold on Amazon by describing the process for rights holders to report infringement, and the impact of successful infringement take-down requests.
Judicial Skepticism Mounts Over the Use and Reach of Appellate Waivers
May 01, 2019
A defendant who pleads guilty is usually required to waive a host of constitutional and statutory rights, such as the right to a jury trial, the right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses, the right to testify and present evidence. However, many defendants are also required to waive their right to appeal in order to receive a favorable plea agreement with the government.
"Don't Do Stupid"
May 01, 2019
6 Common Law Firm Accounting Practices That Need to Be Re-evaluated
There are a number of tried and true practices in law firms that need more thinking. Not because law firm managers are stupid; it's just that some practices need to be periodically re-evaluated and adjusted to reflect the changing times.
In a VUCA Environment, Empower Your CMO to Collaborate and Lead
May 01, 2019
VUCA is an acronym we don't often hear in the legal industry. It stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, and was coined by the U.S. Army to describe the post-Cold War world. Buyers of legal services are more sophisticated than ever and are redefining the meaning of value, some are involving procurement professionals in the buying process.
Commercial Lease Terms: More Issues to Cover
May 01, 2019
<b><i>Part Two of a Two-Part Article</b></i></p><br>Last month we began discussion of several topics of interest to tenants and landlords as they negotiate leases for commercial space. We continue here with more items that should not be overlooked by either party to a commercial lease during its formulation.
IPR Estoppel: The Present and the Future
May 01, 2019
IPRs have now been conducted for several years, and litigation has ensued over the procedures by which they are conducted. Decisions have been rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which have resolved some issues, created others, and altered procedures.