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Eminent Domain
April 01, 2019
Condemnation Award Reduced
SCOTUS Agrees to Hear Case Determining Federal Registrability of Immoral and Scandalous Trademarks
April 01, 2019
This case should determine the availability of federal trademark registration for “immoral” and “scandalous” marks – in this case, the acronym “FUCT” for a clothing line.
Best Ways to Expand Key Client Relationships from the Lawyers' and Firms' Perspectives
April 01, 2019
Part One of a Two-Part Article This article defines the specific and best actions lawyers and law firms can take to expand client relationships. This first part includes specific actions individual lawyers can take to expand client relationships.
Clients Drive Information Governance: Business Benefits Flow to Firm
April 01, 2019
Information governance and the protection of corporate data are top concerns for law firms. To ensure standards are met, some clients are now tying payment to compliance with Outside Counsel Guidelines (OCG). OCG have moved from guidelines to actual contracts that provide for indemnification of the client for cyber breach and violation of privacy laws.
Monopolizing the Disruptive
April 01, 2019
<i><b>The Federal Circuit's Threat to Software Innovation in the </i>Oracle v. Google<i>Decisions</i>&lt;</b><p>The Federal Circuit decisions in the Oracle v. Google copyright case rattled Silicon Valley not simply because the decisions upended software developers' understandings of copyright law, but also because the decisions do not comport with the disruptive ethos of the technology industry.
Second Circuit Blocks Video Privacy Suit Brought Against Barnes & Noble
April 01, 2019
A would-be class action against Barnes &amp; Noble could have cost the bookseller hundreds of millions of dollars — not to mention a reputational hit for allegedly sharing private information about its customers' online video purchases with Facebook.
Real Property Law
April 01, 2019
Title Insurance Inducements<br>Purchaser's Willful Default/Down Payment<br>Tortious Interference Claim Reinstated<br>Easement Scope<br>Mortgage Acceleration
Quasi-Bankruptcy Quagmires
April 01, 2019
<i><b>When Entities May Not Have a Filing Choice and How Creditors Are Impacted</i></b><p>This article explores the difficulties some entities have encountered in filing bankruptcies and how one organization used extraordinary civil remedies in an attempt to accomplish what reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code would have provided.
A Clash Between 'Free and Clear' and Tenants' Rights Under the Bankruptcy Code's Section 365(h)
April 01, 2019
With the recent carnage in the retail industry, including Sears and many other retailers of all shapes and sizes, a lot of attention goes to the fate of landlords when their tenants seek bankruptcy protection.
In the Courts
April 01, 2019
The Ninth Circuit affirmed the majority of an $11 million jury verdict brought by a whistleblower who claimed that his company fired him for raising concerns about possible FCPA violations.