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What the U.S.' Pursuit of Foreign Nation-State Hackers Means for Cybercrime Victims and Targets
January 01, 2019
For years, the U.S. has maintained an active enforcement campaign against overseas cyber criminals and while these past efforts have not been haphazard, they have not necessarily been part of a specific drive to address the serious issue of foreign cybercrime committed by nation states. Recent announcements by the DOJ show that this enforcement campaign is accelerating and expanding.
Q&A with Women Leaders in Cybersecurity and Privacy
January 01, 2019
In 2017, Atlanta attorney Bess Hinson founded the Atlanta Women in Cybersecurity Roundtable, an invitation-only initiative to provide community and resources to advance women in cybersecurity in Atlanta. Here, we speak with some of those women leaders about their biggest security and privacy challenges and why women are pursing legal and other roles in the cybersecurity and privacy field.
Are Cybersecurity Solutions and Consulting a New Revenue Stream for Law Firms?
January 01, 2019
The Big 4 accounting firms have identified legal services as an area for growth beyond traditional financial services and consulting services.
Detecting, Discovering, and Eliminating Threats
January 01, 2019
Defending your corporation from advanced cyber threats is a difficult and never-ending challenge. The attack surface of an organization is constantly adapting to meet the needs of a business and attack vectors are increasing nearly every few hours.
Fighting Biometric Fraud on the Blockchain
January 01, 2019
The use of SMS verification codes as a security measure has recently been exposed as a mere stop-gap solution because of the ability of hackers to fraudulently take over phone numbers. Biometrics meanwhile is proving to be one of the best new technologies to combat fraud and identity theft.
The Confounding Paradox of Marketing Investment for Struggling Law Firms
January 01, 2019
"You have to spend money to make money." Or, so holds the well-worn cliché. For those firms struggling to find meaningful growth in today's market, where do they find the funds they need to spend in order to spur growth?
Professional Development: 10 Performance Tips for Your Presentation
January 01, 2019
Finally, it has happened. You have reached the stage in your career that others want to hear from you and learn what you know in your area of expertise. You have been invited to speak at a conference. What now?
Federal Data Privacy Legislation Is Likely Next Year, Tech Lawyers Say
January 01, 2019
For Years, Federal Legislators Have Attempted to Pass Comprehensive Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Legislation. With More Support Than Ever from the Public, Industry and Both Sides of the Political Spectrum, 2019 May Be the Year When Such Legislation Is Enacted.
10 Common Mistakes When Dealing With DOJ Antitrust Criminal Prosecutors
January 01, 2019
Corporate counsel should be aware of the following 10 common mistakes that practitioners make when representing clients in criminal antitrust matters.
Prepping a Mock Notification Letter Before a Cybersecurity Breach Hits
January 01, 2019
Being prepared for the worst before it even happens can minimize the damage in the event of a cybersecurity incident. To get any company ready for a cybersecurity event, the first step is to organize a team to write a mock breach notification letter that will represent your message to the world about your failure in the event you have a breach.