Industry Growth Forecast for 2017
May 02, 2017
<b><I>Slight Downgrade</I></b>The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation has released its Q2 update to the 2017 Equipment Leasing & Finance U.S. Economic Outlook, which lowered slightly its yearly equipment and software investment forecast to 2.8%, down from 3% growth forecast in its 2017 Annual Outlook released in December 2016.
Changing Compensation Strategies Put Partners under Pressure
May 02, 2017
The legal profession has never been more cutthroat. As the race for revenue intensifies, firms are putting more pressure on their partners to perform in a number of criteria. If they don't, it will be reflected in their compensation, title and possibly their place in the firm.
Proposed Regulations for Partnership Interests Permits Estate, Income and Charitable Planning Opportunity
May 02, 2017
The new Administration has areas of taxation estate planning and philanthropy on the front burner. No one is sure what will be happening with the minority discounts regulations of § 2504 in turmoil and proposed guidance of the modification of charities partnership interest and unrelated business taxable income (UBTI). By integrating a number of tried and tested tools, we may create a platform for substantial savings.
Financing and Leasing Technology Is a Strategic Advantage
May 01, 2017
Advances in technology and software are being made at an increasingly rapid pace. As a result, IT hardware obsolescence cycles are shrinking too. This period of exponential improvement with which we are all now familiar has shown time and again that there will continue to be breakthroughs in technology that deliver better, less expensive, and/or more robust products. How are you equipping your firm to succeed both in the present day and into the future?
Director Independence to Consider Pre-Suit Demand
April 02, 2017
In a decision written by Chief Justice Leo E. Strine Jr., for the second time in 15 months, the Delaware Supreme Court reversed a Court of Chancery decision dismissing a derivative complaint for failure to plead demand excusal.
Five Easy Ways To Elevate Your Executive Presence
April 02, 2017
What do you think is the secret sauce that accounts for 26% of what it takes to get promoted, according to 4,000 leaders surveyed by The Center for Talent Innovation? Whether you work in a law firm, for the government or with a corporate legal office, to get promoted, win cases, make more money, or just be more successful, your Executive Presence matters.
What Law Firms Can Learn from The Ninth Annual Law Department Operations Survey
April 02, 2017
Over the last few years, the legal operation manager's role has flourished, growing from a profession in its infancy into an unruly teenager, far more mature but with substantial areas poised for development. The results of the survey showed that more than ever, law departments are focused on implementing programs and structures to improve their financial management and deliver value.
Big Law Heads Home
April 02, 2017
<b><i>Will It Work for Your Firm?</b></i><p>Flexible working arrangements support greater productivity and employee engagement while enhancing millennials' personal well-being, health and happiness, according to a survey by Deloitte. And what do employers get for giving millennials this flexibility? Loyalty.